I Want To Have My Best 12 Weeks Ever

How would you like to get more done for your firm than you have ever accomplished?

Are you struggling to find time to work on your marketing other other administrative projects for your firm?

In my 12 week accountability write-in class, we get together for just 1 hour a week to work on our business instead of in our business. 

Why? Human psychology is a weird thing. If you say you're going to do some and tell everyone else, you're more likely to do it.

If you say "I don't have the time," then I say that is exactly why you should join us.

There is no cost to do this, just your time. And imagine what the rewards would be on what you could accomplish:

  • How many new clients would you have from that new blog post you've been wanting to write?
  • How much more free time could you have if you finally created your law firm systems?

The write-in starts on Monday June 4, 2018 at 1:30 PM, and will run for 12 weeks. Sign up below.