It’s awful. That feeling of overwhelm when you have a business you want to work on but have SO much to do. You often don’t quite know where to start.

So you don’t.

Or you do things that feel like your doing something. But really you're tinkering around the edges.

You aren’t alone. Many of us are in the same space.

What if there was a space where you got support to focus on the things you know you should be doing. Somewhere where people understand your brain and can give you the nudge, encouragement and support to move forwards. In the right way. Doing the things that would actually help you and your business grow and develop. 

The 120-club is an ND only space.  To support you to find what really works for you.

We are looking for another 4-8 people to join us this cycle.

You will get unique and tailored weekly support sessions, guidance and focus on what you need to get you moving forwards.

You will become part of a small focused community of people like you all wanting you to succeed and support others to succeed.

Each 5 week cycle will consist of:

A setting up and planning space.

‣ A weekly support and accountability session - sharing and leaning in to one another, identifying your priorities, possible roadblocks and the support you're going to need and where you can get it. (Currently Tuesday 10-11am)

A weekly learning session - an area of business that the group most needs support, input, guidance and nudging right now. (Currently Thursday 1pm - replays available)

A weekly social hangout/boardgames night - for fun and to have some down-time together as an important part of community and resilience building.  (Currently Monday 8-9pm).

‣ A celebration and reflection week.

We want to expand on the brilliant community that has developed in the H2E space to offer something more indepth, focussed and dynamic supporting each of us to build and grow our own businesses. On top of that you will have the support and attention of each other, a chance to grow deeper relationships with each other, because being an ND entrepreneur can feel an isolating place.  This community priority is key to your sustainability, wellbeing and profitability!

We are inviting you to join us for as little as £44. There are two pricing options as explained below -  generative and transformative.  This is an experiment in accessibility and sustainability and trusting all of us to relate to one another and to reciprocity and exchange in a new, needed way.  We cannot promise the price will stay the same as we grow, but you have the chance to jump in now.

For that you get Sara and Stefanie's business and community minds helping you get a little closer to where you want to be.

And who wouldn’t want that?

Community Hosts

Stefanie Kent

Stefanie, a neurodivergent Entrepreneur who has run multiple projects and been a full time activist, shifting perspectives and sharing my own journey with loneliness, anxiety, resilience and community. Highly skilled in authentic communication, facilitation, conflict resilience and mental health first aid - she rocks the boat as a mental health activist and supports individuals, community groups and entrepreneurs to cultivate community around them that reciprocally supports wellbeing and resilience. 

Sara Kedge

Sara set up and has been hosting the How 2 Entrepreneuro group for the last year. In her business she helps entrepreneurs get their idea off the ground in her Get You Going thing. She also works with businesses to make them neurodiverse inclusive. In her spare time she lectures on the Business and Management program at Oxford Brookes University. Oh, and she also sells blanket forts for adults...

Payment - we are experimenting with different ways of engaging with money and community and exchange. It matters to make this accessible and also - some people have a greater capacity to contribute financially than others. Everyone can contribute to the group, supporting one another, bringing their presence, experiences and skills. If you are able to support us to grow this community faster, please consider joining using the Generative or Transformative options.

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120 Club - Generative

Generative - This allows us to generate and create and support you more fully and grow the 120 Club community.

44.00 GBP

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Have a great day!

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120 Club - Transformative

Transformative - This would allow us to transform the community, the support, and the way we can impact ND entrepreneurs moving forwards.

77.00 GBP

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Have a great day!

Join us in How 2 Entrepreneuro below 
