My name is Rachel Williamson and I have 3 kiddos! A girl and 2 boys! They are fun, lovable, and there's never a dull moment! My daughter is sweet and helpful while my boys pretty much destroy everything! haha! mothers of boys totally understand this! I'm also an Ambassador for It Works! - A global (debt free) health and wellness company based out of Florida.


I am not sure how to balance! haha! Life as a woman and mother is just BUSY, right?? As a pastor's wife, entrepreneur, and a mom of 3 kids... our life is always on the go!!

I've learned to write things on the calendar. I live for family meals and soak in those moments, and enjoy the journey( even if it doesn’t go the way I planned).

If I can live each day with JOY and EMBRACE the speed bumps along the way, take care of my soul, heart, mind, and body...I will be at peace even though its always so busy!

This company has empowered me to own my time, be with my kids, be a mom, a wife, and a pastor!


I have doubts from time to time, but my trust has always been in God and thanks to Him he has always kept me steady. My confidence can flow through Him and so can my trust. Fear of the unknown is normal but if I don’t go after the things stirring in my heart or the pull that is bringing me toward something then I will never know the treasure that could be sitting there for me!!

My advice for a mom wanting to run a business is do it! You may not even know what you are good at until you try!! So be BOLD, BE BRAVE, and do something out of the ordinary. I never thought in a million years I would be good at something like this but God did!! So if you have a pull or a desire towards something then go for it! You live once! Make new memories, grow in new ways, and become fully the woman God created you to be!!


The BEST part is seeing FREEDOM that women experience thanks to the generosity of this company!! I was once a mom full of stress and anxiety because of the debt and struggle to pay bills. Thanks to this company it has brought us complete financial freedom. It empowers my husband to be a full time pastor without the worry to support our family since It Works! supplies our financial needs. This company has empowered me to own my time, be with my kids, be a mom, a wife, and a pastor!

I love to help women who are struggling financially and want to contribute to their family from home, but don’t want to miss out on being a mommy. I also love to help the women who work full time and want to work their way to a position to be home full time with their kiddos but still bring in income.