I had the best mentors (the piano wizards) when I started and now my team is coming alongside you in your journey. I’ll help you on your journey through the only personalized online piano mentorship available in this industry.
Learn and master the art of tuning a piano without years of struggle. I show you how to become proficient tuning quickly so you can start your business soon.
Learn to properly voice a piano in the field and how to quickly achieve the tone your client is asking for.
Launch a perfect online presence and learn to boost your business to the top of Google so you can get a steady stream of income.
Eric Roberts has a BA in Music Education and is a graduate from the Randy Potter School of Piano Technology. Eric is the lead technician for the Nashville, TN Apex team. Eric is also a fanatical educator, author, and trainer in the piano technology field with over a half a million views on YouTube for the APTN. In 2009 he wrote and published the popular Rapid Voicer training book/video series with Dr. Jack Hamilton which is being used across the world to help technicians understand and perform field voicing. Eric also designed the SHARK tuning hammer which is the first carbon fiber tuning hammer to use unique weight distribution to make the tuning process faster and easier. Eric’s tools are being used by technicians all over the world including Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Canada, Poland, Czechia, Switzerland, Norway, Cyprus, Taiwan and Hawaii. The SHARK was recently seen on an episode of the Nextflix series The First (with Sean Penn) when a piano technician was cast as extra in the episode. In 2019, Eric relocated to Nashville, TN where he is currently training 2 more technicians to serve artists, studios, and families in Music City
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