Declutter Challenge...

What is it, why do you NEED it and how can you get started?

Kerry Hales is your straight talking fun loving coach! This challenges is a daily plan to support you to create a clear, uncluttered and focused life.

Why do YOU need this?

Being clear about who you are and what you really want has never been harder.  There is a constant bombardment of schtuff all requiring your attention...
(that is sh*t and stuff combined).  
Buy this!
Be this!
Keep this!
Change that!
This is the *NEW* thing and you REALLY need it!  it is shinny!

Argh whaaaattttt*!? 


Are you feeling...
Confused about what you really want and just but more thinking this is it... and it's not...

Frustrated and Disillusioned that you will always feel like this...  searching

Drowning in busyness with creating more and more shtuff! 


The good news is! yes there is good news...

This is a HABIT and because of this... We can change it... one day at a time...

As each day progresses you will begin to notice many things... first it will be to literally notice a pattern you have.  And by consciously doing something different to feel  
Einstein said 'Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results' is the true definition of insanity...

This challenge combines both! 30 Days working on a daily focused action for you to notice your pattern and making your habits clear to you

Patterns that will emerge throughout the challenge.
Which is why we do this for 30 days - so you REALLY get to see and feel what your habits are and what they are costing you.

OUTCOMES can include...

  • A strong sense of who you are NOW
  • Understanding your patterns of behaviour and what you can do to change them
  • An new found appreciation of everything you have in your life and why you have it
  • A greater awareness regarding your purchases: what's emotional V's what you really need 
  • Clarity in what you really want in your life
  • Letting go of the busyness you may have surrounded yourself with
  • Save money!  You will no longer want to go out and spend money on shtuff that does not buy you happiness!


Are you ready to get rid of your old 'stuff' and be happy!?

What previous challengers created...


Doing this challenge has put many new thoughts in my head and down on paper for my future. This has reminded me of who I am and who I want to be. 
Thank you xx


Thank you Kerry! It was great! I've still got a long way to go with decluttering my house but I've made a good start and I'm enjoying the space and the learning along the way!


I am thinking differently as a result of this challenge. Such a good idea to break it into areas. Am continuing my decluttering. Thank you Kerry!

Questions you may have...

  1. What will it give you?
    Clarity in knowing that everything you have, you have chosen because you love it, or really need it.
  2. What will it take away?
    Confusion - so much of what we have is just STUFF. It gives us nothing except confusion.  This challenge is specifically designed to point out the mindset change that accompanies physical attachment.
  3. What will I be left with?
    clear space in which to create a life you love and boundaries that support that.
  4. How much does it cost?
    £19.99 via PayPal.

What do you get for your investment?

Every day I send you an email with what you need to focus on.  As much as the focus starts with your physical surroundings... gradually your mindset with declutter too.  It is a process that starts with the easy win - the obvious one.  The stuff we surround ourselves with.

But once you start to see the patterns emerging... you will see where you get cluttered in your thinking... and learning to let go of what is not serving you any more...

If you are ready to let go of the old you and the stuff you have around you and to see what you are under it all.  This is the challenge for you.  Yes it is a declutter challenge -  we will be decluttering your mind as well as your physical surroundings!

Are you ready?