Ladies looking to lose and keep off middle age weight and belly fat, re-energize, improve health naturally and stop dieting for good!


FREE 7-Day Healthy Habits New Year's Challenge

January 9-15, 2023

Discover EASY to incorporate habits so you can lose and keep off weight and feel great without depriving yourself, exercising for hours or overhauling your life. 

If you're looking to transform your body and create lasting change and begin 2023 fresh, empowered, motivated and set up for success in the new year, JOIN US!

Are you...

  • Frustrated by sudden weight gain and belly fat that's not as easy to lose as it used to be--no matter what you do?
  • Snacking constantly and mindlessly, always craving sugar and thinking about food?
  • Unmotivated or unable to find time for exercise and self-care?
  • Getting through the day (barely) without the focus and energy you used to have?
  • Accepting things as they are and not doing anything about it, feeling stuck, or putting it off...?
  • Feeling like your hormones are out of whack and acting more anxious, moody and irritable?
  • Confused and not understanding what is happening with your transitioning body?
  • Trying to clean up your eating and lifestyle, but the same bad habits keep coming back?

Don't worry, you're NOT alone!!

I know first-hand how frustrating and challenging it can be for women (and men) to gain sudden, stubborn and unexpected middle-age weight. 

The struggle is REAL! In fact, 90% of women between the ages of 38-65 gain 10-15 pounds--mostly in the belly. 

You may be eating and exercising the same (or maybe even doing more), but the scale isn't moving.

Whether you're frustrated with failed approaches, need some guidance and accountability, or are struggling to begin, I can help you!

Many of my clients come to me frustrated because they feel like they don't know how to lose weight or they've failed (over and over again). What they don’t realize though is that diets and deprivation don’t work (at least for the long-term), and it’s not their fault.

I set my clients up for success right from the start and teach them realistic strategies that work and last. I want the same for you and it doesn't have to be hard.or time consuming.

The thing is, when you focus on just a few things and do them in the RIGHT way consistently and let go of the things that aren't working for you, you can make really impactful change that lasts forever.

You can lose weight, have more energy and be happy and confident in your body without deprivation, supplements, points, magic shakes or bars.

If you’re ready to discover SIMPLE HABITS to transform your body and help you establish the balanced, healthy lifestyle you desire, join us.

FREE 7-Day Healthy Habits New Year's Challenge 

($97 Value Yours FREE for a Limited Time)

Take Advantage of This Special Opportunity to Join for FREE and Discover:

  • The 7 critical strategies that are the KEY to finally achieving your health and fitness goals... (Don't worry, they're not anything complicated or time consuming. I'll show you how to easily implement these simple strategies and you will be doing them in no time!)

  • How to easily incorporate simple habits and food choices that will help you reach your goals... without adding more time-consuming tasks or unnecessary stress to your life.

  • Tons of FUN, guidance, and support from a certified health coach and mentor and like-minded people from all over who are gathering together online to learn and grow together.

  • Easy-to-follow, sustainable advice and practical tips that empower you to make life-long changes without more crazy dieting.

  • All the support and encouragement you need to develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime, one day at a time... with exclusive access to a private Facebook group full of like-minded women who are ready to transform their body and lifestyle for good.

  • PLUS: You'll get to discover all this and more inside this new 7-day challenge, normally priced at $97... without having to pay a dime.

About Me

But, it's not always so easy, especially when most of us our overloaded with work, our families and everything else.  I know sometimes getting started is the hardest part.

That's why I designed the 7-Day Healthy Habits New Year’s Challenge so I can show you how easy and effective it can be for you too!  

There's no time-consuming research, complex workouts and complicated recipes or restrictive dieting. I will not be selling you supplements or making you buy and eat boxed foods, shakes or bars. 

During these 7 days, you get the chance to take a breath and simply focus on YOU as I show you real-life, practical habits you can incorporate into your day quickly and easily to start making progress towards your goals.

($97 Value Yours FREE for a Limited Time!)

Instead of struggling to figure out how to take off the weight and get back on track or going on another yo-yo diet that doesn't work.

IMAGINE being able to...

  • have a simple and realistic approach to eating so you can manage your weight and stop dieting for good.
  • reduce weight and belly fat naturally and fit into your clothes comfortably
  • prioritize self care and exercise and feel more relaxed and less stressed
  • stop craving unhealthy foods ( enjoy occasionally without guilt or binging)
  • reduce or say goodbye to hormonal mood swings, hot flashes, night-sweats and/or any of the other myriad of hormonal symptoms you may be experiencing
  • re-energize and be super focused and efficient at work, home and the gym
  • be a healthy role model and more present and patient with your family
  • Feel healthier, happier and more confident than you have in years!

What's Included (starts January 9th)

  • 24/7 Health Coach, answer questions, support, accountability 

  • Daily morning emails suggesting healthy habit of the day
  • Access to a private Facebook group for sharing, support and motivation
  • Posts and short Facebook live videos with tips and benefits about each habit (can watch on replay)
  • One live Q&A during the challenge -timing TBD (can watch on replay)
  • Fun, contests, prizes and more!

BONUS: Exclusive Live Webinar: Clean Eating Strategies to Compliment your New Healthy Habits (Tuesday, January 17th at 8pm)

You'll have my support and guidance every step of the way... PLUS you can even invite your friends, family and co-workers to join us for even more fun and support!

($97 Value Yours FREE for a Limited Time!)

This FREE 7-Day Challenge Will Help You Kick-Start Your Weight Loss Goals and Feel Your Best... No Matter How Busy You Are!

It’s 100% online and everyone is welcome to join. It doesn't matter where you are in your health journey! The more the merrier! 

Just share the link to this page to invite whoever you'd like ... absolutely FREE!

But space is limited... So You Need to Act NOW. 

Ready to discover the simple habits that will transform your body and help you establish the balanced, healthy lifestyle you desire?

Sign up for the 7-Day Healthy Habits Challenge today... and take the first step towards the healthier, happier, more confident you!

We kick off on Monday January 9th, 2023

Sign up NOW  to secure YOUR spot!

We kick off on Monday January 9th, 2023

Sign up NOW to secure YOUR spot!

($97 Value yours FREE for a Limited Time)
