Your cover is way too important to get wrong.

Don't sabotage your book's success by assuming your cover isn't the real problem (it probably is!). People ask me all the time why their books won't sell, and 9 times out of 10, it's the cover. It may not even be ugly: it could be beautiful, but just fail to communicate the genre or attract the right readers.

So I wrote a guide to book cover design, including resources like:

  • the best fonts for every genre, 
  • how publishers manipulate readers into buying books
  • top red flags that make your book look unprofessional
  • where to find royalty free images and art

When you sign up, you'll also get my indie author survival guide, and a package of free design templates you can use. Even if you improve your cover just ten percent, you'll be earning more money in book sales.

But more likely, it'll be the difference between losing money on an expensive hobby, and finally making money doing what you love.

Dozens of beautiful cover design templates in Microsoft Word... better than what other people are charging for.
FREE because you're awesome.
