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LaShawanda Moore is a wife and mother of four elementary to high school aged children, retired engineer, former Fortune 500 Company and direct sales leader, Certified Professional Energy Leadership Coach, author, consultant, founder of Elevate Success™, LLC and franchise owner of Launch Family Entertainment Park Richmond, VA. She holds a Masters in Business Administration and has achieved several Toastmaster International Certifications to include: High Performance Leadership, Competent Communicator and Competent Leader Certifications.
Growing up in a low-income household in the projects, LaShawanda tested into and excelled in an advanced math, science, and engineering high school. This path led her to a 21-year career with a major corporation taking on roles in project management, talent recruitment, sales & marketing, sourcing, and operations earning her a six-figure income. During this time, LaShawanda developed a support structure which allowed her to create an events management business and lead a 300-member direct sales team averaging $2-3MM in annual sales. In the last fifteen (15) years, she married, started a family, founded a women's ministry, started her consulting and coaching business, and is now the managing owner of a new Franchise in the Richmond area.
LaShawanda is an authentic, passionate and transparent leader, which affords her an opportunity to engage well with others at all levels, thus building trustful relationships that yield successful outcomes. When it comes to leadership development & empowerment, she is great at taking what seems to be an insurmountable experience or chaotic situation and helping her clients extract value out of that situation. She uses her gifts and talents to help clients go from feeling insignificant and undervalued to respected and a recognized value added asset in their family, work and community.
"I have developed a clear vision of my dreams and goals, better time management, and now able to better balance all areas of my life. In addition, I now have 12 advisors (and growing) in my downline, in which I had zero when I first started working with LaShawanda."
"During LaShawanda's program, I received tremendous amounts of support, motivation and personal coaching. As a result, my team has experienced a 60% growth rate, I promoted to the first level of management and I continue to see my team expand through my down-line and their recruits."
"LaShawanda's persistence about knowing and being able to share my WHY for what I do helped me change my perspective, for the better. Secondly, she taught me how to be in control of my business which in turn makes me a more efficient business person and my customers and business partners get a better me."