Free the feminine is a 3 month group coaching experience designed to guide ambitious heart lead ladies to awaken, heal and activate the divine feminine & masculine within. To create inner union, balance, creativity & productivity in your life.

See results, feel fulfilled, worthy & increase your self confidence, without becoming burnt out.

This programme will guide you to:

✨ Release & Let go of beliefs that no longer service you. 

✨ Learn how to prioritise yourself & fill up your cup. 

✨ Feel confident in expressing your truth. 

✨ Say no when you want to say no & Say YES when you want to say yes. 

✨ Stop settling in life or lowering your standards. 

 ✨ Trust yourself more. 

✨ Connect to your intuition & listen to your body. 

✨ Recognise patterns from the past that are still influencing your life and release with love.

✨ Develop tools to create a healthy and holistic lifestyle that help you feel good & radiate magnetic energy.  

✨ Make progress while avoiding burn out. 

✨ Improve your money mindset

✨ Learn how to rest and receive in your divine feminine energy.

So you can:

✨ Get to know who you are. 

✨ Increase your self confidence and belief. 

✨ Leave relationships, people or jobs that no longer serve you. 

✨ Have the confidence to unapologetically share your gifts to the world. 

 ✨ Co-create a life you deserve.

✨ Feel safe while stepping out of your comfort zone and into the unknown. 

✨ Feel connected to your spirit guides/team.

✨ Understand what YOU want. 

✨ Attract healthy & happy relationships. 

✨ Cultivate a positive and empowering mindset. 

✨Feel happy, fulfilled and live a great life. 


🧚 Clear out the clutter - Reset Mode

🧚 Sisterhood Wounding & Divine Feminine Healing

🧚 The Feminine Archetypes & Feminine Embodiment

🧚 Healing the Inner Masculine & Father wound

🧚 Money Mindset & Energetics

🧚 Spiritual guidance & Connecting to your intuition

🧚 Boundaries like Queen B

🧚 Healing the heart & Inner child / Speaking your truth

🧚 Become the visionary / Level up & Lead your life

Free the Feminine is for you if:

You're a heart lead driven and ambitious lady.

You're prepared to show up to the programme, including the live calls (where possible) & be open to receive.

You have been living your life on a hamster wheel always on the go and you're ready to feel more connected to your gut, aligned in life and confident in the direction you're moving in. 

You may have achieved success in your carer / business yet you feel your health and relationships have been effected and you want to make a change to this. 

You struggle to feel worthy of the life you want to attract this causes you to self sabotage and shut yourself off from receiving. 

You sometimes feel unsupported and misunderstood by those around you. You would like to be connected with like minded souls to support your expansion. 

You continue to attract the same type of people and experiences repeated patterns in personal and professionals relationships and you want to break the cycle. 

You have a big vision for your future yet you feel unsure how you can begin to make this a reality. 

You feel connected spirituality and you have been receiving a lot of signs from the universe recently guiding you to grow spirituality and make positive changes. You expect others to give you the answers to your life. 

Free the Feminine is not for you if:

You expect instant quick fixes and overnight results.

You expect others to give you the answers to your life.

You aren't prepared to take accountability for your life. 

You're closed minded, judgemental & highly critical of others.

You're not open to spiritual practices and/or divine feminine healing. 

You aren't ready to face the truth in order to transform your life for the better.

