I know I sure do and I'm happy to share my new, self-designed swag for my latest release the 2nd book in the REAL MEN KNIT series, KNOT AGAIN.
Please just leave your email, name, and mailing info and I'll send you one of 3 sticker sheets, a signed postcard and a cool patch all while supplies last!
And please share your swag and your thoughts about KNOT AGAIN which releases officially on July 26th on your socials and tag me @kwanawrites on IG, Twitter and Tiktok, and hashtag #knotagain and I'll be sure to share in my stories too!
Thanks for spreading the word about KNOT AGAIN! It means the world!
I also hope you stay on and opt-in to be on my Newsletter mailing list so we can stay in touch about my latest happenings, releases, and giveaways! *you can opt-out at any time*
Thanks once again for the support!
(*US residents only- must be 18 years and up*)