There is a lot to navigate in pregnancy, right?

Particularly if you are doing this for the first time. 

One of my clients described early pregnancy navigation, as a secret handshake she didn't know the sequence for. 

If you plan to birth in an Australian hospital, knowing  your options and understanding everything that will impact on your labour  & birth in that system is a part of creating an empowered birth.  

Because seriously, how  can you make the best choices for your body, birth or baby, if you do not know what your options are.

Choosing the right caregivers that supports you in what you want is one part of having an empowered and heart connected birth experience too. 

So how do you know what you don't know ? 

You start by asking questions.  

You start this as early as you can and you don't commit to an obstetrician until you are satisfied they are willing to support you in fulfilling the birth you want.

I have created a  FREE E Booklet that gives you 10 questions to ask your Obstetrician waaaaay  BEFORE you birth your baby.

They are starting points to get the information that helps you understand the "Secret Handshake" and know your options. 

Starting points to feel grounded in the decision making process .

Starting points to feel confident that you know your options.

Starting points to make decisions that feel right in your body and for your baby.

Starting points that move you closer to getting the birth you want.

Receive your free E booklet today:

 Get Clear: 10 Questions to Ask Your Obstetrician

...and every so often I will  also send you a pearl of birthing wisdom to support and inspire you over your pregnancy and birth journey.

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