Time Management isn't rocket science but a habit

Working Moms: Calm the Chaos

Deficient Time Management Skills are often a factor when you’re not getting that promotion to the next rung of the corporate ladder.

Effective Leaders master this skill and drive efficient teams.And so can you.

While this report was written with working mothers in mind, the tips apply to single women & male professionals too.Balance your life by applying these principles.

Karmic Ally Coaching Working Moms Calm the Chaos Report

Ready to reclaim your time?

Then this report worth $17 is for you - and it's free!

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Meet Your Coach

Vatsala Shukla

Vatsala helps 'spiritually minded' professionals who've hit a speed breaker in their career or business requiring radical & innovative intervention create breakthroughs with customized solutions that tap into their hidden talents and skills. 

Step by Step, using her Signature System, Vatsala guides you to fit together the pieces of your unique puzzle achieving your desired results with holistic transformation.
