Kick hidden gluten to the curb!
Sick and tired of gluten sneaking up and knocking you off your feet when you least expect it? Grab the much-needed Guide to know the top places gluten hides before it derails your GF life.
In this Hidden Gluten Guide, you'll learn where gluten hides, before it sneaks up and knocks you off your feet so that you can stay safe and healthy in your gluten-free life with less worry of being "glutened" going through your day.
Be ready before gluten hits YOU!
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Jennifer is a Certified Health Coach helping women create a gluten-free life they love, one that is sustainable and delicious so that it all just becomes routine.
As the creator of Gluten-Free MARCKS The Spot, Jennifer helps women fall in love with their gluten-free life. Having Celiac Disease and gluten-intolerance in her family, she knows exactly what you are going through. Jennifer helps empower your kitchen skills to gain back your energy and learn how to change your plate to change your life. You’ll be amazed as your family starts devouring your new gluten-free meals. She’ll help you ditch the overwhelm and have you back with coffee with friends, lunch with the girls and traveling to the beach on vacation. No more sitting on the couch and missing out on life! Let's create a gluten-free life that is sustainable and delicious.