You have no doubt experienced the power of healing frequencies for yourself. Whether that has been through attending an event, receiving your inner voice audio, or a personalized healing music frequency playlist, you have seen and felt the energy shifts that help your body, mind, and spirit come back into the alignment of your Kingdom design, as you have experienced this transformative technology.
While you will continue to experience healing as you listen again and again to the healing frequency audio files you already have, you should know that having the ability to access the power of Kingdom healing frequencies at any time is at your fingertips!
With your own personal subscription to the frequency scanner, which is the technology that Dr. Darlene used to create your inner voice audio files or personalized healing frequency music, you can:
What you get with your monthly frequency subscription:
Record your voice anytime and get a customized audio file designed to balance your frequencies.
This comes with a report of your most overexpressed frequencies and the one "repressed" or underexpressed frequency.
Listen to the automatically generated audio file and feel your energy state shift immediately!
Scan your voice and get new recommendations daily!
Ever walk into a room where you felt the energy was "negative"? With this technology, you can not only clear the energy in the room, but you can also block that energy from impacting you - all with the touch of a button!
Need an energy boost late in the day? Don't grab that third cup of coffee, choose "super charger" or "neuro aerobics" to get an instant shift in the energy of your body or mind!
Scan your energetic biofield and find out what frequency your body needs in the moment.
The Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter (SEFI) technology is designed to capture, amplify, and imprint subtle energy frequencies, and can either broadcast or imprint those frequencies into any element or item.
This is an example of a frequency found in nature that targets and heals neuropathy, or nerve pain.
By listening to tones with this specific frequency, your energy begins to shift so that you experience less pain.
There are frequencies to help bring into balance EVERY health condition, physical or emotional - including anxiety chronic pain or muscle stiffness, fatigue, heart or lung related conditions, and more.
Create your own playlists based on what you want to experience energetically! You can create an UNLIMITED number of playlists for various health conditions for you or your clients!
Only 10 of these BONUSES are available -
they will sell out QUICKLY!!!
Fill out the form below and then on the next page I'll walk you through the sign up process!
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