Your Ultimate 28 Day Guide to a More Aligned Body & Mind

Do you feel that you need to push the reset button on this year?

How would you like to get yourself back in alignment?

Then the Balanced Badass Advent Calendar is for you!

Starting on 1 December, a new message and healthy activity will be released to you each day up to Christmas.

An advent calendar for the mind, body and soul!

Unwind your mind

Start to implement healthier habits that can be sustained long term

Support you in allowing yourself some self care

Plus have a little fun with it along the way

You get lifetime access to the calendar so you can revisit anytime you feel like you've fallen out of alignment.

Hi, I'm Carla

I am a Life Balance Coach & Intuitive Eating Practitioner.

I support achievers to create a balanced healthy lifestyle so they can thrive in their lives while still creating an empire! 

I support you in going from feeling burnt out to a balanced badass.

I have been where you are right now, feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and just not knowing how to get off that hamster wheel! 

It took me ending up in ICU to finally take a hard look at the way I was running my life, and that's why I am now super passionate about helping you to create a change before you go down that road!

I bring you a holistic approach to creating a healthy body and mind.

What you get...

Mindset Shift

Shift your thinking into a positive space by reframing your thoughts. Learn to love who you you are...and create a life filled with gratitude. 

Healthy Habits

Take the overwhelm out of trying to trying to change everything at once and start setting yourself up for success by implementing our simple daily habits. 

Intuitive Eating

Turn your back on diet culture and learn a new way! A daily guide on the principles of intuitive eating so you can create sustainable eating habits and never diet again!

Whether you need this for yourself or you have someone special in your life that could use some love, make wellbeing a priority this December!

Take some time out and have a little wellness fun!

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Balanced Badass Advent Calendar

Your total wellness calendar. Mind, Body & Soul activities to recharge you from this crazy year! Become a Balanced Badass!

15.00 GBP

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Have a great day!
