📚 Get Certified. Land Your Dream Job 📚

 Excel as a Paraeducator 🌟

Mark the date. 

We'll be challenging aspiring paraeducators to become certification-ready, polish professional documents,  confidently tackle interviews and prepare for the first day on the job. 

Are you in?

Join us for the "Becoming a Paraeducator 5-Day Challenge" and embark on your journey towards success.

07/24/2023 - 07/28/2023

The Challenge

🔍 Day 1

Get Certification Ready

Research and compile information about the certification requirements in your region. Create a personalized checklist of steps to obtain your paraeducator certification.

✨ Day 2

Polish Professional Documents

Craft a standout resume, cover letter, and other documents to showcase your skills and qualifications effectively.

🎙️ Day 3

Gain Interview Confidence

Prepare for paraeducator job interviews by learning common questions, practicing your responses, and receiving feedback.

📚 Day 4

Be First Day Ready

Familiarize yourself with the role and responsibilities of paraeducators. Gain insights from experienced professionals and get your questions answered.
