You did all you could, yet still failed the Bar. Now you have to retake it in uncertain times

Who has time and money to waste?  

You want to get our career started. 

Your loved ones invested in you, supported you, and are rooting for your success.

It's time to make good on their investment.

Finally Beat the Bar

 In this guide you will discover the right way to asses your last exam attempts and the exact next steps that will ensure your future success. 

Enter your email to begin your path from repeater to Bar Exam passer.


Jennifer Duclair

Attorney-turned-Bar Exam Mentor, Ms. Duclair acquired everything she ever dreamed of having. But it wasn’t without struggle.

After repeated attempts with the Bar Exam, she cracked the riddle to the Bar Exam retake cycle, uncovering the ONE THING Law schools and Bar reviews hadn’t been covering in class.

Now, Ms. Duclair competently guides committed, resourceful, and coachable, Bar Exam takers to shorten their wait between Graduation and swearing-in date.  She'll help you shift your mindset, strategies, and approach so you feel solid walking into the Bar exam.  

Close this chapter of academia  for good.  Move on with your attorney life. 

Enjoy the guide!
