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A Big Emotions Audit... instill strategies that help you nurture the nurturer, be kind with your big emotions & your kids' big emotions...
Is this you?
You don't know how to deal with your big emotions when your kiddo is having
big emotions.
You can't put a finger on it, but there's too many things going on & everything feels
too much
You want to show up as your best self, rather than with your tried & true (but not useful) patterns.
You understand that more is caught than taught in how you engage your kids, and that concerns you.
You're too occupied to know what you need.
Imagine if...
You were practiced in the pause before you reacted to your child?
You knew for certain you were honoring your child as a separate person?
You had a plan to address your big emotions & knew how to be proactive, not reactive.
You felt like you were doing and were enough for your kids.
You were super clear in when to include self-compassion strategies.
You knew you were teaching your child self-compassion strategies & heathy communication too.
Get the Audit
Big Emotions Audit
Nurture the Nurturer you can show up on purpose in your homeschool (& life)