While you are going through the divorce process and for a while after the dreaded papers have been signed, you may well feel like you’re dying. But, believe me, it’s only a passing phase as long as you are willing to realise that you need to take the necessary steps to be whole again. Then, you can move on to the next chapter and fill the rest of your life with joy.

Today it’s become the norm to have multiple relationships, and as a result, multiple breakups. Divorces are a dime a dozen and fraught with emotions of varying degrees, creating havoc in the family and generally leaving one party more distraught than the other. You are not alone.  I am offering you the chance to shift your mindset and lighten your load. You owe it to yourself and those you love and who love you.

Come and join me on Wednesday 20 September 2023 at 7pm SAST to find out all about our new platform and how we can help you leap into a new life after a break up!
