Whether you find yourself caring for your precious newborn, multiple kiddos, a spouse who has been injured or is sick, or aging parents, you are likely going to (if you haven't already) experience some level of burnout during your time in this caregiving role. You might've even taken on this role already in a state of burnout from the basic demands of everyday life. 

While some people might view burnout as a preventable state that occurs as a result of not caring for yourself adequately or not having healthy enough boundaries, I would argue that burnout is a natural and normal part of being human. I believe that being a person who cares about and cares for others is inherently good and exhausting. I believe there is no way to avoid burnout completely unless you choose to stop caring altogether, and I'm guessing that's not an option for you.

I want you to know that there will most definitely be seasons of burnout in your life now and for years to come, and I also want you to know that you aren't alone in this reality and that you do have some control over how much and to what degree burnout intrudes on your life.

Do you know whether or not burnout is impacting your life currently? Are you aware of how at-risk you are for burnout? I've created a Burnout Inventory to help you reflect on the state of your life as it is right now. It will also give you a glimpse into areas where you are at risk for experiencing burnout during this season of your life.

Perhaps you and burnout are well acquainted and you've resigned yourself to the belief that its always going to be this way. You are simply doing what you can to adjust to this unwelcomed and unexpected way of living. You might even be experiencing the restlessness and the fog of anxiety and depression. 

Wondering if what you are feeling is something more than burnout? Looking for counseling and therapy services? 

Here's the thing. No two burnout scenarios are alike and not everyone needs or wants to go to therapy. There could be a variety of reasons for this like cost, convenience, bad past therapy experiences, etc. I am excited to offer you some tools and resources that can either supplement or compliment therapy or be stand alone supports. You have the option to use these according to your unique needs.

Good news: This Burnout Inventory will not require you to do anything differently! The inventory is simply to give you an accurate reflection of all that is either contributing to your burnout or alleviating your burnout.

Fair Warning: If you like to put pen to paper, take this as your advanced warning to replace your printer ink or toner that's been running low for weeks now and to finally replenish your printer paper (I know this isn't just my reality).  

I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Sharon Hundley on her new podcast called Breaking Joy. You will love Sharon's heart, openness and honesty so don't hesitate to subscribe to her podcast. If you'd like to hear more about burnout and how to distinguish it from depression take a listen!
