September 11 - 15, 2023

FREE! 5 Day

Confidence and Clarity

Join Leslie Ellis, of HeartSong Yoga and Coaching, 
for 5 days of tools and inspiration to boost self trust
and give you clear access to your insight and intuition.

Each day will offer a short lesson, and mini practice,
to open your energy channels and
confidence and clarity to help you
navigate your life path with greater ease and joy.

Here's what happens when confidence and clarity are activated:

💫You feel calm, open, and steady.

💫You navigate challenges without losing your center.

💫You are more present in your body, and life.

💫You feel more complete and whole.


*By providing your information and signing up for the free 5 day event, you are also giving us permission to add you to our mailing list.

Hi, I'm Leslie. Your activation guide.

What happens in the Activation?

In 5 short and sweet mini lessons (20 - 30 minutes each day)

You'll discover:

  • How to manage your mind and energy to build self trust.

  • 3 things you need to do every day to feel more confident.

  • Where clarity comes from and how to “see” it.

  • The key ingredient to help you follow your intuition (and know that's what you're listening to!

Plus 5 simple, but powerful (and empowering),
tools for self connection
that are sure to get you on your way to a better,
more loving relationship with yourself
so you can
move through even the most difficult days
without totally losing your self.

5 Day Schedule


Day 1-Monday September 11

Energy Clearing

Learn to clear your energy field and stand strong in what's truly yours. Let go of what no longer serves you and create space for confidence and clarity to thrive.


Day 2-Tuesday September 12

Reviving Confidence

Discover the three daily practices that nurture your self-trust and confidence. Say goodbye to self-doubt and self-sabotage as you embrace your innate wisdom and inner calm.


Day 3-Wednesday September 13

When Insight Strikes

Hone your inner listening skills and learn to distinguish between your mind's chatter and your intuition's guidance. Be empowered to make decisions with clarity and conviction.


Day 4-Thursday September 14

Clear Seeing

Once you trust your intuitive insights, you can use them to envision a more fulfilling future. Open your inner eyes to the possibilities that align with your unique gifts, mission, and purpose..


Day 5-Friday September 15


Join us for a group Confidence and Clarity Energy Activation. This empowering session will help you stand up for yourself and move forward with ease, joy, and flow.

All sessions will be offered live inside a designated free Facebook Group to which you will receive an invitation to on signing up.
Recordings will also be available and sent via email for those who are not on Facebook.

*By providing your information and signing up for the free 5 day event,
you are also giving us permission to add you to our mailing list.
