Ladies 40+ who want to drop stubborn weight gain and FINALLY stop the endless
cycle of dieting



(just in time for summer)

Clean Eating 10-Day Jumpstart-Spring into Summer
May 17-26, 2021
$97  (regularly $147)

Are you...

  • Frustrated by sudden stubborn weight gain....especially around the middle?
  • Starting the day with willpower and ending it with guilt and defeat?
  • Snacking constantly and mindlessly and always thinking about food? 
  • Unmotivated to exercise and lay around binging on Netflix and chips?
  • Getting through the day (barely) without the focus and energy you used to?
  • Trying to clean up your eating, but the same bad habits keep coming bac

If you can relate to any of the questions above, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

The GOOD NEWS is- you are in the right place and I CAN HELP!!

I get it. The pandemic is still out there. The last year and a half has been filled with stress, up-side down routines and, if you are like most people, it has likely left you with unwanted pandemic pounds. Couple this with the unexpected and stubborn weight gain that comes with aging ...that's not as easy to take off as it once used to be.   

You are eating and exercising the same, but the scale isn't moving.

You’ve been through the cycle of dieting before and nothing has worked (at least for the long-term). You've had enough of the guilt and deprivation and you’re skeptical to try something new.

You feel stuck and frustrated. You may be wondering if this will ever change. Don't worry. I've been there. It doesn't have to be this way forever. I promise.

I know change is scary and it's hard to get started, especially on your own, but with a step-by-step plan, accountability and guidance, it makes it so much easier.

Instead of struggling to figure out how to take off the weight and get back on track or going on another yo-yo diet that doesn't work.

IMAGINE being able to...

  • have a simple and realistic plan you can use for life so you can finally manage your weight and stop dieting for good.
  • feel confident buying and preparing easy recipes your family will enjoy
  • prioritize and incorporate self care and feel more relaxed and less stressed
  • stop craving unhealthy foods (and still enjoy occasionally)
  • free you mind from constantly thinking about food
  • say adios to emotional ups and downs based on the number on your scale
  • reduce belly fat and fit into all of your summer clothes
  • re-energize and be super focused and efficient at work, home and the gym
  • be more present and patient with your family
  • Be a healthy role model for your family and friends.

Well, you don't have to imagine any longer because it's HERE!


This program will help both experienced and novice clean eaters to reboot, kick the cravings, ditch the extra pounds and enter the summer with less bloat, more energy, healthier eating and lifestyle habits and a summer wardrobe that fits (without dieting)!


Clean Eating is NOT a diet.

It's an easy to maintain lifestyle and EVERYONE CAN DO IT! 

Clean Eating will benefit you at any age and wherever you are in your health journey.

With clean eating there are NO points, gimmicks, fasting, calorie counting, supplements, magic shakes or bars. You may even eat MORE food than you’re used to.

Quality over quantity.

It's as simple as 1, 2, 3...

1. Eat unlimited amounts of real, whole nutrient dense foods that promote weight loss, generate healing, balance your hormones and boost immunity.

2. Eliminate/eat less processed, packaged, refined and sugar-filled foods that are driving food addiction, cravings and weight gain.

3. Incorporate additional lifestyle practices (exercise, relaxation, sleep and self-care) that also play a huge role in weight loss and your long term holistic health.

I’ve supported hundreds of clients on my Clean Eating 10 Day Jumpstart and they have experienced quick and profound results that have helped them to lose weight, curb cravings, eliminate joint pain, end migraines, improve sleep and so much more...


You will begin to create momentum for a total health transformation

You’ll not only improve your diet and likely lose weight and inches, but you’ll also learn tools to deal with overeating, emotional eating and breaking the cycle of self-sabotaging bad habits so that you MAINTAIN a healthier understanding and relationship with food moving forward.


Balance blood sugar so you decrease your cravings and unhealthy food addiction and create effortless appetite control and weight loss

Stabilize your mood so you feel more calm and happy

Improve sleep so you feel rested and have more focus and energy

Activate your body's natural ability to burn fat so you can trim your waist and shed pounds easily

Debug your digestive system to reduce inflammation and bloating

Shift negative thoughts around eating, so you can develop a healthy and balanced relationship with food

Start creating healthier eating and lifestyle habits that will promote overall wellness and longevity and be with you for the rest of your life

Are you ready for increased energy and focus, effortless and lasting weight loss, improved sleep, and more? In just 10 days it’s unbelievable what your body can experience.

Isn't it time to try another way?

If you are one of those people who keeps telling yourself , "when I am less busy I will focus on eating healthier and my overall health." I get it. The hard truth is if you are not working on it today, it's likely not going to happen. With age comes hormonal change, muscle loss and slower metabolism. The longer you wait, the harder it will become.  

If not now, when?


Plus, the Clean Eating 10-Day Jumpstart will not be offered again until Fall 2021

There really is no perfect time, so Let's do this NOW!.

Why should you do the jumpstart with me?

My unique approach will help you succeed 

Support- I am involved every step of the way- providing information, motivation and accountability and always quick to answer questions and help with  challenges. I purposefully limit participants in order to have intimate group sized for personalized attention. Plus, you have access to a supportive and fun private Facebook group with like-minded people

Simplifcation- I provide you with an easy to read and understandable plan that has everything spelled out (print and webinar formats). You receive easy recipes, meal-prep tips and short cuts to make this as easy as can be.  No counting points or calories, buying packaged foods, and you don't even have to cook if you don't want to

Flexibility-We personalize your plan to work for you, your lifestyle and preferences. You decide what, where and  how you eat. You can make your own meals, use my recipes or eat out/take out. No set menu.

Satisfaction-There are no limits to the amount of clean foods you can eat. In fact, you may end up eating more than usual. I am a huge foodie and believe eating should be an enjoyable part of life (with the focus of eating the right foods for your body most of the time). Trust will experience amazing results inside and out. Plus, I make it fun- contests, prizes and more!

So many of my clients have experienced profound health benefits from Clean Eating. Why? Because it’s fast and simple AND realistic to maintain.

Clean eating helped me to lose weight, gain energy, sleep better and feel better than I have in a long time! No dieting. Small steps. Lasting Change.

Hi! I’m Susan Sagan Levitan, a Holistic Health Coach, Wellness Speaker and owner of chapterU health coaching LLC. I support busy women 40+ to lose weight naturally and gradually through clean eating and creating healthier eating habits for long lasting change. Like most people, my eating habits have not been perfect over the years. I love to eat and exercise, so for most of my life I never had to worry about my weight.

After 2 kids and turning 40, I learned you can't workoff a bad diet. Like many of you, I tried lots of cookie cutter and fad diets, but nothing worked, at least for the long-term. I needed to make a change. Something that would last.

When I studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and learned about Clean Eating, I decided to give it a try. It's helped me to lose weight, gain energy, sleep better and feel better than I have in a long time!

I’ve been eating clean for a while. Not only does it work, it’s really easy and something I can stick with forever! I still love to eat. Now, I make smarter choices most of the time. When I treat myself, I enjoy it, move on and get back on track.Clean eating for me is not about being perfect or restricting and cutting things out of your diet. It's more about adding more good stuff in and making the best choices possible.


  • Getting Started Guide simple instructions to teach you what you’ll need to do and buy beforehand to ensure success. (value: $112)
  • An easy-to-follow and flexible eating plan with a wide range of options-so you can adapt It to your lifestyle, preferences and needs. You choose how and what you eat:
    • Over 100 delicious & easy-to-make family friendly recipes using readily available ingredients ($79 value)
    • Sample meal plan ideas,
    • Grocery list templates ($15 value)
    • Approved food lists (home, restaurants, take-out) 
    • Menu-planning worksheet
    • Swap out food guide-that makes it super easy to substitute items in the menu plan that you don’t like, can’t find, or are allergic to ($25 value)
  • 24/7 health coaching support and accountability to make sure you get the results you want! ($97 value)
  • Daily e-mails, facebook posts/videos, blog posts and resources with Susan’s tips, tricks and resources to keep your momentum high and support your transformation.
  • Private facebook community for support, accountability and connection (priceless)
  • Daily challenges, group workouts and prizes to make it fun while working on your goals ($50 value)
  • Post-program transition plan providing guidance on the best foods for YOUR body so you can continue to maintain long-term weight loss , good health, and better eating habits ($25 value)

Over $400 if sold separately



With all the resources and support, past participants have told me I should charge a lot more money to join the program. But, I want to help as many people as I can so I am offering it for a very reasonable and affordable price.

The Clean Eating 10-Day Jumpstart is only $97 (over $650 value)

The same prices as a pair of shoes or a nice dinner out.  YOU ARE WORTH IT! 

Are you ready?

You may be thinking, this is simple, I can do this on my own.

The reality is, it may start off easy, but life gets in the way. Let’s face it-whether you’re working or home with kids, it’s exhausting.

When you’re already stressed and tired it can be confusing, discouraging, and frustrating to figure everything out, stay consistent and motivated on your own.

Having a dedicated leader (that’s me) to break it down into bite size pieces, provide details, hold you accountable and answer your questions is going to get you the results you want faster and easier.

OVER $650

Your Cost $97

This program is first come first serve, and there are limited spots available.

It's time to allow your body to experience just how amazing it can feel.  just like past program participants:

I love the Jumpstart! I Lost 7 pounds and NEVER felt better. No cravings and I’m now in control of my food versus food controlling me. It was worth persevering and getting to this place. My blood work is so much better and I'm the healthiest I've been in years!

—Erika Sinofsky, NJ

I feel fantastic. The best I felt in a long time!-- Without eating sugar or carbs my body pain is gone and I haven't had a migraine since. Tons of treatment for 5 years, and I changed my diet and my pain is gone. Eating Clean has changed my life for the better!

Amanda Boyce, NJ

I feel better when I am eating cleaner.

My skin has looked the best it ever has
and I am more clear when it comes to problem solving or general conversations with friends/family. I lost weight and bloating in my gut as early as the third day into the program.

Abby Millner, Rochester, NY


I already did one of your 10-day Clean Eating Jump Starts. How is this different? Can I benefit from doing this challenge again?
Absolutely! There will be some new recipes and resources as well as live streams on Facebook and 4 amazing new bonuses. Each jumpstart brings a new community and platform for sharing, fun, support and accountability. I have many clients who have participated in every one of my Jumpstarts because they recognize the value and get the results they desire. Join us!

What if I don’t have time to meal prep or cook?
I get it and that’s why I created a simple and flexible plan. My goal is to make it as easy as possible for you. You will get recipes, sample meal plan ideas, print-and-go shopping lists, approved food lists, take/out and restaurant suggestions and meal planning sheets so you can decide what, and how you want to eat. The recipes are designed to be quick and easy and not too many ingredients. In the program I will be sharing some of my meal prep/planning tips to help you even more.

What if I have dietary restrictions or don’t like the recipes?
There are enough delicious options for all eating styles and dietary platforms. You can use your own recipes as long as you use the approved foods. I will also help you swap out foods if you don't like something. 

What if nothing works for me?
You'll get out of it what you put into it. I will support you every step of the way!

I really want to join the program but I am facing financial issues right now.
Please contact me directly at and we can work something out.
