Do you have a defined pilgrim/pilgrimage development and growth program?

Do you have a community email list?

Do you have an online store?

Do you have a  monthly donor program?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, please consider requesting more information about establishing the Confraternity at your Shrine.

Request information about establishing the Confraternity at your Shrine

 Establishing the Confraternity utilizing your Shrine's branding and unique story increases and develops community, pilgrimages, and eCommerce activity. It also serves to connect you to a broader Shrine Community connected by the Confraternity.

Shrine Branded Confraternity Examples

Online Adult Enrolment 

Online Children's Enrolment

Laminated Prayer Card

Monthly Donor Program

As of February 11, 2018, Shrines fall under the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization
