Like Will's, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Directives and Probate

Request Webinar 

An educational webinar about the "Critical Documents" that should be in place in the event of a medical emergency (or worse, an untimely death)

What you will learn: 

  • Should you have a Will or a Trust? 
  • The Beneficiary information you should always have ready 
  • Explanation of "Power of Attorney" documents and why you need one for health, financial and under age children
  • Why is a "T.O.D." important to have if you have cash in the bank
  • What documents you should have if you are a Home Owner
  • Common Myths behind who qualifies for an Estate Plan
  • The 6 Documents that you should look for in an Estate Planning Package
  • What a Will or Trust should cost
  • Additional resources that will assist you in organizing and obtaining these documents

Our Speakers

Dan X. Nguyen, Esq

Estate Planning Attorney

Joshua E. Hernandez

Certified Financial Educator - CFEd

Request The Webinar
