Boost your transformation with coaching

by adding coaching conversations with me after each module of the online course

I'm taking a maternity break to focus on my newborn and adjust to life with two kids.

If you are interested in adding coaching sessions to your online course, sign up and I'll be in touch as soon as I start offering one-to-one coaching again. 

Adding coaching conversations with me after each module of the online course will make you feel accountable and empowered to transform your life.  

We will have 8 conversations throughout the course:

  • One intro conversation of 30-45 minutes before you start the course, to share your story and objectives and get to know each other.
  • Six 30-minute coaching conversations after each module, to discuss your learnings and action plan
  • One final 60-minute coaching conversation when you're finished to debrief the whole course, clarify your career goal and discuss your next steps.
  • Conversations will be held via phone or video call, Monday to Friday, 08.00 to 17.00 (GMT)