For Current & Aspiring Entrepreneurs


Jan 21

@2pm EST

to no later than 3:30pm EST

About the presentation


Live Talk via Zoom


Space is Limited

to 99 people

Daniela Saioni transitioned to online solopreneurship in 2020 after 30 years of gruelllng hours in the film industry, replacing her six-figure career with a higher-paying six-figure career for a fraction of the hours. 

When the world opened up for travel again, Daniela took her business on the road, because she could.  

In this talk, she will describe how you can re-design your life to make this possible for yourself as well.  

In addition to her various online courses in Film & TV, Daniela founded Coffee Break MBA: a community with weekly small-group coaching for like-minded creative solopreneurs.

If you are unable to attend in person, a recording will be made available to all registrants.

