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Earth Medicine

If you taste and smell a herb it will give up its secrets to you! This is a foundational sense-based approach to learning about the healing properties of herbs. Take out the guesswork on what herb to use for what condition. Fun easy and informative!

50.00 CAD

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Earth Medicine Course 

Why do herbs not work the same from one person to another when both are experiencing the same illness? A good question to ask, and the answer lies in understanding how herbs work.

One can read pages and pages of what a herb is good for and look up all of the terminology of herbal words used to describe a herb's actions which is not a problem. If you intend to become a professional herbalist, it will be essential. However, I think all herbalists, whether family or professional, should take a sense-based approach to herbs as well.

A sense-based approach is to get up and personal with the medicinal plants themselves. What does their taste tell you, their smell and their colour? Just those three senses alone will inform you on a body level what the herb's properties are and therefore help determine their uses. Pair this information with what the ill person is experiencing, and you have a win-win situation. First, it takes out the guesswork as to what herb will be best and second; your ill person will generally get better faster.

You just need your sense of taste and smell to do this course. It truly is a game changer when you understand what the medicinal plants are telling you. A fun, informative and invaluable course for all Family Herbalists.  

Course Outline

#1 Introduction

Navigating Course


Course Outline

#2 Using your senses

Sense of Taste

Sense of Smell


#3 Herbal Energetics & Tissue States

Plant Intelligence

Herbal Energetics

Hot/ Warm Herbs

Cold/Cooling Herbs

Moistening Herbs

Drying Herbs

Tissue States

#4  Herbal Applications

Methods of Taking Herbs

Dosage Chart

Recommendations for Kids & Elders

Essential Oil Chart for Kids

Understanding Materia medica

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Earth Medicine

If you taste and smell a herb it will give up its secrets to you! This is a foundational sense-based approach to learning about the healing properties of herbs. Take out the guesswork on what herb to use for what condition. Fun easy and informative!

50.00 CAD

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