Writing is something you want to do, yet there's never enough time. It's hard enough and shouldn't be another daunting task on your to-do list.
Why is it so hard to "find the time?"
* Determine how they manifest in your life
* Combat the two biggest time obstacles
Like you, I felt like I had a great story that just needed to be written. After working all day, taking care of kids, exercising, and life in general, I struggled to fit it all in.
So, my writing suffered.
I tried all the time management hacks (4:30 wake-up calls should be illegal), word count goals (must.type.faster.), and even writing groups ("I swear I'll submit next time"). Still, I found myself writing only when inspiration hit.
It wasn’t until I was patient with myself that I realized the two major obstacles that were sucking up my time and I can’t wait to share them with you!