I'm thrilled to have you here, and I hope the episode "Building An Emergency Fund as A Single Mum" has left you feeling financially empowered and inspired to take charge of your future. As a single mom, creating a reliable safety net is essential, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Now, I want to equip you with even more valuable tools! Sign up below to receive our free guide, where you'll discover practical strategies and actionable steps to kickstart your journey towards building a strong emergency fund. Join our community and access the guide now to start your path towards financial security and a brighter future! Sign up today!


Hi! I'm Julia. I help single mothers navigate and adjust to the reality of raising kids alone, and to overcome and grow through all its associated struggles by providing strategies, tools, and most of all community so you are supported as you learn to THRIVE and feel empowered, at peace, organised, motivated, balanced, confident, and happy.
