If you're like many people, you're in the dark about your finances. You pay your bills each month and do your best to prepare for the future. But the truth is, there's only so much money to go around and preparing for the future can be overwhelming.

One of the most important building blocks in establishing a firm financial foundation is determining the difference between "wants" and "needs." Sounds simple, doesn't it? A "want" is something you don't require for basic survival and a "need" is something you must have to live. Yet, sometimes it can be hard to tell where a "want" begins and a "need" ends - especially where immediate family is concerned. Financial health is all about the choices you make over the long term.


To help families better understand their personal finances, We offer the Financial Needs Analysis (FNA). The FNA gives a detailed overview of your current financial situation and suggests a personalized strategy for your financial security. The FNA is complimentary, confidential and customized for every family that we serve.

Everyday Spending and Saving Habits Determine Your Financial Future

One of the most important building blocks in establishing a firm financial foundation is determining the difference between “wants” and “needs.” Sounds simple, doesn’t it? A “want” is something you don’t require for basic survival and a “need” is something you must have to live. Yet, sometimes it can be hard to tell where a “want” begins and a “need” ends - especially where immediate family is concerned. Financial health is all about the choices you make over the long term.

It’s never too late to change your financial future. That’s where our Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) comes in. It’s complimentary, it’s confidential and it takes about 30 minutes.

When you think about the following items or services, how do you define them? As a want or a need?

  • A new car every four years
  • A workable retirement savings plan
  • A 75“ HDTV
  • Adequate life insurance
  • “Dream” vacations every year
  • A one-year emergency fund

How you classify each of the above will most likely have a direct bearing on reaching your goals and dreams. Forgoing a new car for keeping the late model around for awhile longer or dialing down the entertainment center - and investing the savings toward your retirement and other financial goals - are choices that you can make to achieve your goals.

But sometimes the decisions aren’t quite so clearly cut and dried. That’s where our Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) comes in. With a little data gathering and a few minutes, one of our representative can produce a personalized, confidential and complimentary FNA for you and help you make a game plan for success.

Start In Just 30 Minutes

One of the best things that you can do for yourself and your family is to establish a realistic game plan that you follow. One of our representatives can meet with you and, in just 30 minutes, help you start developing that strategy - one that you know you can follow for financial success.

We teach people how money works so they can make informed decisions about how to manage their finances. The basics of money are generally not taught in school. With your FNA, you’ll learn the steps you need to take to get on the road to the financial life you want and deserve.

Reach Your Financial Goals Faster

Just about everyone could benefit from putting together a formula to reach his or her financial goals. A HIFSG representative can help you design a recipe for success. The Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) is a tool that has been used by millions over many years, to not only get families where they want to go, but to also get there faster.

Do you:

  • Have children?
  • Face a future filled with debt?
  • Plan to retire someday?
  • Want to better understand how money works?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you could find an FNA extremely helpful. Our representatives can produce a personalized FNA for you with about half an hour of your time. We’re so certain you’re going to find the FNA useful that we offer it as a complimentary service! It’s also confidential and has no strings attached. You just need to do it.

Get a Quick Checkup with this Quick Questionnaire

Life can have a way of letting us stray from even the best-laid plans. And even those who think everything is going well may be surprised to find out they’ve overlooked something. Remember, most people don’t plan to fail - they just fail to plan.

Take this simple quiz to find out if you are headed where you want to go:

1. What will you live on during retirement?

  • A) I’m investing and saving for my future.
  • B) I figure I’ll save a little and then count on Social Security benefits for the rest.
  • C) I haven’t thought that far ahead.

2. If anything were to happen to you, how would your expenses be paid?

  • A) I have an individual life insurance policy.
  • B) I have a group life policy through my job.
  • C) I don’t like to think about that kind of stuff.

3. How much have you saved for emergencies?

  • A) I have at least three months income stashed away.
  • B) I put away a little each month, but I always end up spending it.
  • C) Are you kidding?! Who has enough to save?

4. How much debt do you have?

  • A) I have “good” debt: a mortgage payment and not much else.
  • B) I have a few credit cards, but I’m working on paying them off.
  • C) Don't even get me started!

5. How do you handle legal questions?

  • A) I call my lawyers. They know what to do.
  • B) I check out one of those online legal advice sites.
  • C) I figure it will all work itself out.

Answer Key

If you answered:

Mostly A’s - Your financial future is looking good! You understand that unexpected expenses happen, and you’re ready for them. A free FNA from HIFSG can show you what you’re doing right, ways that you could make your money work better for you and how to protect your assets!

Mostly B’s - You’re on your way! But, you could still do more. Call to schedule your complimentary FNA and learn how you can take that start and make your way to financial independence. You can do it!

Mostly C’s - Maybe you've had some financial hiccups. But, there’s hope. we can help you create a program to get you back on track. Plus, we can also connect you with legal professionals who may be able to help protect your resources as you regain control of your finances. The first step is your Financial Needs Analysis. The good news is, you can turn your finances around and we can help.

Do You Know Your FIN?

One number could make or break your goals for the future. It's called a Financial Independence Number (FIN). This figure is the key to how you will spend the rest of your life. It represents how much you will need for monetary obligations, including your expenses during retirement.

Get your Financial Independence Number through the free, personalized FNA. Your HIFSG representative will use the FNA to help you see how the choices you make affect your future. Besides, you can't know how close you are to your goals, if you haven't calculated how much you'll need to reach them. The Financial Needs Analysis is first. It will provide your FIN, and that's the first step toward financial freedom. 

Your Own Personal FNA - Start With a Plan!

It takes just half an hour to sow the seeds that can change your life. In the time it takes to watch a television sitcom, you could be working with one of our representatives to change your life for the better. 

Get Started Today

Be Sure You’re On Your Way - With an FNA

What takes as long as watching one 30-minute television sitcom and yet can be indispensable in helping you achieve your financial goals and dreams? Our Financial Needs Analysis (FNA) has helps families understand just what they must do to achieve their financial goals. And it’s true - you can get started in just a half-hour. A small investment of your time can help you make a real impact on your financial future.

Getting Started Is Easy

Set an appointment. Simply reserve a time that both you and your spouse or partner can meet with an HIFSG representative.

Here’s how take that important first step:

Important Information To Have

To help you get an accurate picture of your current financial health, make sure you have the following important information handy for your representative:

  • Your latest pay stub
  • All savings and investment account statements
  • Retirement plan statements
  • Company benefit statements
  • Life insurance policies
  • Education savings statements
  • Financial aid and tuition amounts
  • Mortgage documents
  • Loan and credit card statements

Because the FNA is personalized, your results will be tailored specifically to you. Once you have an idea of where you stand, we can help you come up with a strategy to fix problem areas. You deserve a bright financial future. The complimentary FNA is the first step toward the life of your dreams. 

Schedule yours today!

Learn more on how we provide a complete Financial GPS to keep you on the right road to financial success and independence. 
