Enter your email address to receive a free Reiki infused colouring mandala. This mandala holds the energy of The Great Harmony, see below for more information about this energy, how distance Reiki works and how mandalas can help you create a life you love.
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The energies included in this mandala are:
Dai Cho Wa - The Great Harmony.
This energy is used to ease conflict with anything outside of ourselves. We change from seeing the world and everything in it as a foe to that as an ally. The benefit to this is we find ourselves in harmony with the world. Life flows, people help us, we help them, we become more equal, we communicate better. Everything is balanced, fair and harmonious in our lives.
Choku Rei
Choku Rei, which means “place the power of the Universe here”. It's an empowering symbol and is used to:
Initiate the flow of Reiki energy
Increase the power of the Reiki energy
Focus the Reiki energy on a specific location
Seal the energy in
Below, I have given you 2 videos:
If you are looking for a fun and focused form of meditation, if you're wanting to accelerate your manifestations, if you are seeking help with calming the mind and healing the body, then meditating with mandalas could be for you.
Download and print yours today.
May you always dream bigger for yourself, you're worth it.
Carrie x
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