Tapping into your purpose and defining WHO you are as a leader –  is the first step to truly accessing your professional success and income potential. 

Knowing your purpose is truly wonderful and yet it isn’t enough to get you to the finish line. You also need an actionable plan that allows you to pivot into your dream career and the mindset to navigate through challenges, when you hit bumps in the road.

If the last few years has taught us anything, it’s that it’s time to leave the old way of doing things (that no longer work for us) behind and start choosing what we truly desire, in our careers.  And yes,  that is possible...the "great resignation" existed for a reason.   People wanted their LIVES back.  They crave balance of career and personal desires.

Perhaps this sounds familiar…

You get on the path you’re excited about…

You finally feel clear and may even have a bit of a plan…

Then life gets in the way… or the project feels too big.

You have other things that take priority.

You get distracted, off your course, and overwhelmed… then you put the dream on the back burner.

Cue the procrastination and frustration you’ve experienced time and time again when you’ve started on something like this before.

Then you’re facing so much shame and guilt because you said you were going to do it and you're still stuck in that same place.  Thinking about that dusty, old dream that you neglected but that you LOVE.

You start projects and suddenly you feel like they're not important anymore… it was all wasted time… and you’re not moving forward to that dream you were so excited about again and again.

It feels like all that dreaming, planning and effort was for nothing.

But you still have that burning fire in your belly to pursue this dream.  That fire isn't burning out.

So what happened? The shine of the bright object wore off and those self-sabotaging habits crept in, keeping you stuck and feeling deflated.

Bright, shiny object syndrome can derail the best laid plans, which is why you need more than just your purpose and a plan.

Take it from me…

My strategic plan turned into a rabbit hole of overwhelm and stress, making me wonder if all this was even worth it.

I found my purpose, and felt absolutely euphoric.  But now that I was moving toward my big vision, I also had a huge "to-list" as I tried to expand my coaching business.

I prioritized. I kept things in check.

Then my monkey mind started distracting me, leaving me more overwhelmed and confused with all the self-imposed deadlines I put in place. 

Although I was moving forward with my plan, I fell into the never ending task list with all the things I needed to do. And yes, everything I had on my list was worthy of my attention…

  • Interviewing and hiring a virtual assistant

  • Ramping up my social media presence

  • Writing a script for a keynote speech I was giving

  • Interviewing for another executive coaching role

  • 9-Month Coach Training Program 

  • Preparing my own group coaching program

  • Working on my credential with the International Coaching Federation

... yet - they didn’t need to all be done in the 2 weeks I’d allowed myself.

Suddenly I was back in the stress and overwhelm I was trying to escape in the first place!

I lost my flow. I lost confidence in myself. I was exhausted, wondering if this career path was even worth it.

The ego’s magic powers whipped me into a frenzy when I really needed to work through what was truly important, what would move the needle and would allow me to stand in my power and purpose.

And while our action plan is vital, if we don’t have the mindset tools to work through self-sabotage when the ego takes hold, we can still fail. That’s why we focus on your purpose, your plan and the power of your mind in this group program.

Each month has been carefully planned to take you on your journey to success...







Aligning Your Goals and Mindset to Your Vision for 2023

Creating Your Solid Leadership Foundation & Rules of Engagement

Finding and Embracing Your Leadership Voice

How to Persuade and Influence Others

Maintaining Your Balance - Living Stress-Free

Celebrating Your Year - Revisiting your Vision, Goals & Outcomes

You’ll be immersed in my signature 3-part framework where we will…


Using my visionary process, Design your dream Career Vision, including how it folds into your everyday happiness and joy.

You may find that you have more than one vision and we will prioritize so that  you can reach your  goals with one at time  and  integrate your purpose into each vision.


We will put together an actionable plan and strategy.

You’ll will have your own personalized step-by-step guide  to  work on daily - that will move your closer to your ideal career goals. 


We’ll work with mindset limitations you may have around not believing in your purpose so you can fully move forward and get the most of your journey.

(Because we all know we can do this work and our minds can still say awful things that shake our confidence.)

Plus I have some sweet bonuses, when you enroll…

Bonus #1

Continuous Coaching & Accountability Group

Enrolling in this year-long leadership program also gives you access to the private “Leadership Transformation League” LinkedIn group where you find your tribe who you will help keep you accountable to your vision and goals.

You can also post questions, challenges and wins between each group coaching session and Joanne will provide daily coaching in the group.

Plus, Joanne will be hosting additional bonus lessons in the LinkedIn group that are unavailable anywhere else!

Bonus #2

Complimentary Private Coaching

One (1) Complimentary 60-Minute 1:1 Private Coaching session with Joanne to work on your goals

Bonus #3

50% Discount on additional Private Coaching

50% off any 1:1 Private Coaching sessions with Joanne throughout all of 2023

All of the content and coaching in this year-long group coaching program helps you tap into who you are as a leader and capitalize on your strengths so you finally feel like you’re on the right career path and stop wasting time with something that doesn’t quite feel aligned with who you truly are.

The most amazing things happen when clients go through a journey with me…

My clients start off as ordinary people with 9-5 jobs and they have built multiple income sources that are aligned with their heart and soul.

One client began painting as an outlet for both her joy and pain and now she has her first gallery exhibit, in just under two years of beginning her artistic journey. She also created a charity foundation while working her 9-5 because she realized it was her purpose.

Another client had a colleague ask her to start her own company to work in an area that she was uniquely an expert in, while still working  her 9-5 hustle AND she started TWO other side businesses, because she learned to love being a risk taker. She now has 4 income sources and is seeking to add a 5th source in 2022.   

Many of my clients are ordinary professionals that transform into unique and successful leaders, completely connected to their passion and creativity ending up with multiple sources of income because when the mind chatter quells, there is time and energy to create amazing things.

It all comes down to getting out of a place of frustration, paralysis, and complacency, and into a creative passionate path forward. 

If you are ready for that, then I invite you to join me on a journey of a lifetime.


When and where do the monthly calls happen?

We’ll provide a special Zoom link to the group lessons, which meet the first Sunday of the month from 10am-11:30am EST.

How do the calls work?

We will begin the call with a short lesson followed by plenty of time for you to get 1:1 individual coaching inside a group setting.  You you’re welcome to ask any questions or get guidance on your desired vision and goals.

What happens if I join later than February?

You can join at any time throughout 2023. If you were to join in May for example, you will still only pay $99 per month and get the earlier recorded calls for the previous months, however you’ll miss out on 1:1 individualized coaching in a group setting to set your year up for success.  

Do I get all the call recordings?

Yes! Lessons are recorded so you can go back throughout the entire year. And you will have access and can download and keep the files forever.

What if I want a refund or to stop the program mid-year?

You may obtain a refund within 3 days of signing the written agreement, after that, there will be no refunds. This program runs from February 2023 through December 2023, once you are signed up, you are part of the program through its entirety as you commit to truly putting your purpose into action and bringing your dream career to life.

Can you guarantee results?

I have personally done everything I teach myself, and I have many clients who have seen amazing results from working with me. Results will vary depending on what you put into this program and I only guarantee that what you put in is what you will get out of this program.  Through doing this work I have tripled my 6-figure income. 

If you have any other questions, reach out at Joanne@NewbornEvolution.com.

I will be helping you build a personalized plan for your dream career right beside you that is clear, actionable and absolutely thrilling.

I know you don’t want a cookie cutter plan - this isn’t a course, it's a live coaching program. You want a path that is personalized - one that transforms and shifts as you do.

I will be shaping your plan along with you during our group coaching sessions, homework, and the group community.  The opportunity to have a coach at your side every single day, really does exist. 

We’ll use my unique “East/West Fusion Technique” to merge practical business strategy with mindset techniques to power you through belief blocks, action plan pitfalls, and momentum-lacking periods.

During this program you’ll feel…

Clear with a Dynamic Action Plan That Evolves With You

You’ll have the tools and strategy to be able to do this over and over again.

This year-long group coaching program gives you the foundational toolkit to recreate this no matter where your purpose takes you or what pivots you make in your life.

Confident You Can Get Back on Course When Your Monkey Mind Slows You Down 

When your mind chatter takes over, you don’t have to veer off course anymore.

Your ego mind or monkey mind may start seeping in, but what you’ll learn here will allow you to work with it so it doesn’t slow you down or put you back into complacency.

Connected to The Magic Within You That Drive You Forward

You’ll feel completely empowered and connected to what makes your heart sing so that you’ll never slip back into old patterns that made you unhappy.

The process will feel like magic because once you start to open up your mind this way, you can never go back.

It’s time to make sure you’re actually moving in the direction you want for your career and show up as a leader consistently!

No more hoping for a better tomorrow in a career that doesn’t give you what you need.

No more waiting for the worst to happen - like losing your job or heaven-forbid a health scare - to wake you up to what’s possible.

No more letting organizations decide what you’re worth - you decide your worth.

(I’d say that last one alone is worth taking a chance that this might actually work - this year - wouldn’t you say?)

Here’s Everything You Get When You Join the Leadership Transformation League Group Coaching Program:

  • Bi-Monthly Group Coaching Calls on a Sunday with teaching and space for 1:1 coaching in the group setting.

  • Recordings of all the lessons and calls.

  • Access to Joanne so you can ask your questions and get feedback!

  • Lessons to slowly build the leadership style that supports your desired career and work path.

  • BONUS #1:

    • Enrolling in this year-long leadership program also gives you access to the private “Leadership Transformation League” LinkedIn group where you find your tribe who you will help keep you accountable to your vision and goals.

    • You can also post questions, challenges and wins between each group coaching session and Joanne will provide daily coaching in the group.

    • Plus, Joanne will be hosting additional bonus lessons in the LinkedIn group that are unavailable anywhere else!

  • BONUS #2:

    • One (1) Complimentary 60-Minute 1:1 Private Coaching session with Joanne to work on your goals

  • BONUS #3:

    • 50% off any 1:1 Private Coaching sessions with Joanne throughout all of 2023
