Need to get clear on the purpose of your business, the product to focus on promoting after this lock down is over, and the message to use on your marketing material?
Please put away all distractions for 90 minutes and make sure you give this webinar process your full attention. Your business deserves it.
Download the Webinar Handout below the video before starting.
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I value your time and input. Let me know if we can assist you to adjust your brand and marketing material.
Now that you have narrowed down your purpose and focus for your business, make sure you get clear on who you should work with and how to tweak your messaging on marketing material to reach them.
Using Demographics, Psychographics and Sociographics get a clear picture of who your ideal client is. Their goals/needs in relation to your product/service. Work out what solutions you provide to them.
Do you need to adjust your Brand to reach your ideal client? How do you need to adjust your marketing message to attract your niche?
Put everything down on paper. Plan your Marketing Mix to reach your ideal client where they are.
Reach your ideal clients loud and clear where they are.
As Owner and Creative Director of Mindfield Design she has more than 20 years experience in design and marketing. She believes in doing business ethically, with excellence. “Business for GOOD, intentionally”.
Mindfield Design is based in Cape Town, South Africa and works with clients from across the globe, in different industries.