You've got empathy down 

Your heart is big and so are your dreams

You've launched your practice, designed the website, 

and nothing can hold you back

you are finally free

To Discover True North

Let curiosity drive you - know it can lead to incredible things. 

You want to be inspirational. 

Show others change is possible 

You promised yourself there is no going back to the agency, to the second gig, to the "I really don't want to be doing this" paycheck. 

you've always been curious about people and patterns

what motivates who and why?

and when you started hearing your colleagues talking about the enneagram you listened

you feel confident with some clients. You are spot on with your assessments. You get them, and they know it. 

but others aren't so sure about you. The ability to influence outcomes, with them, is missing. 

they don't want "just another therapist", they want a mind reader. 

and you feel stuck knowing you missed opportunities to build report. 

you want to be a catalyst for transformation

But sometimes you feel more like;

  • a referee, 
  • an emotional dumping ground, 
  • or someone who is "there to listen." 

and with couples... you're missing the wow factor. You are ready to be someone who will get their attention. 

and you know it will take a time tested tool to quickly establish legitimacy.

You can’t shake the feeling you are lacking a grounded approach to understand what drives clients’ thoughts, passions, and instinctual decisions.

You want a practice that promotes transformation from the inside out.

Maybe you do family of origin work, EMDR, Motivational Interviewing. But it’s just not explaining the patterns you keep seeing over and over again.

maybe there's a better way

better understand what your clients are thinking. 

what motivates? what doesn't?

get in their heads. 

you're feeling BURNT OUTAnd client’s can seem more like a chore than a delight. 

and you wonder "are clients doubting you too?" 

add clarity and bring something to lean on; something that won't fail you. 

you need a dramatic game changer.

a personality map that clearly outlines our deepest drives, fears, strengths and weaknesses. 

love what the enneagram can do for you

the enneagram untethered virtual workshop is a learning experience that helps practitioners bring the intuitive power of the enneagram into their one-on-one work with clients.

the untethered workshop gives therapists and coaches the ability to see the world through the nine lenses of the enneagram. the workshop teaches how to harness this transformative power for ourselves, our clients and our practices. it defines the relationship between psychological issues and somatic patterns, aiding practitioners in the process of decoding client behavior and motivation.

first, we will talk about the nine types and how each one shows up in therapy. Through this process you will learn what to look for to begin typing your clients.

next, discover how a therapist's enneagram type impacts the transformation process. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is key to changing your clients.

apply what you have learned to real life situations. Leave the workshop with a three step process for maximizing your enneagram knowledge to enable lasting change.



  • Interactive
  • A deep dive into understanding the 9 personality
  • Overview of how the types show up in therapy
  • Designed by a therapist for therapists and coaches
  • About growing yourself and Growing your practice
  • For those who are new to or aware of the enneagram
  • For practitioners who want to use the enneagram in their practice

is not

  • A boring, one size fits all workshop
  • For people who are satisfied with the status quo
  • An ivory tower perspective
  • a theoretical-free-for all
  • just another personality typing tool
  • Myers Briggs
  • DiSC

In fact it's a workshop taught by practitioners for practitioners, designed to help you identify and capitalize on your unique Gifts

when you sign up for the enneagram untethered experience


You will be invited to join our exclusive Enneagram Untethered support group to get to know your type and your cohorts types

3. Insider Knowledge

You will get insiders knowledge of how the types show up in therapy, including how different therapist types' view different interactions. What some of the biggest pitfalls are for the types and what to watch out for with your type.

2. Access to the Expert

You will have access to interactive experiences with me normally reserved only for clients who pay for one-on-one consulting.

4. Application

You will leave the workshop with a 3-step process for maximizing your enneagram knowledge to enable lasting change.

Here's what to expect

More about me

I'm Leslie, and there are a few secrets I want to let you in on.

You have gifts, you are special, and you can be exactly who you were meant to be. 

The other secret is, I know the enneagram will help you do that.

The enneagram has helped me understand myself, my partner, my clients and my life in a way I never knew was possible. It has assisted me in living the life I have always dreamed of; by allowing me to embrace all that is me. The good, the not so good and the perfectly, imperfect parts. And I know the enneagram can help you do the same thing.

This journey we are on, I promise you, it does have a map. Let me show you how to discover yours, I promise you, it will not be boring. 

I am excited to share with you the secrets to understanding yourself, your clients and your unique approach to having it all.

Who is a fit for the Enneagram Untethered Virtual Workshop Experience...

Who is a Fit

Clinician's who want to grow, learn and create meaningful experiences with their clients

Therapists who are interested in how core childhood wounds impact behavior in adult relationships

Coaches who want to understand what motivates clients based on personality preferences 

Who isn't

Those who do not like interactive programming and desire a course structure that is entirely self driven

Therapists who do not believe the childhood trauma impacts later development

Coaches who prefer one approach to dealing with client motivation

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