About Us

Healing Gardens offers more than organic gardening. It is an eco-community dedicated to working in harmony with the Sacred Land on which we grow, whilst offering our members the opportunity to re-connect to nature, each other and ourselves. Elementals, Fairies and Devas play in our organic paradise with an ancient spring at it’s heart, surrounded by gardens, orchards, chickens and bees.

Buy Produce

We have a wonderful selection of organic and bio-dynamic salads, vegetables and fruit. Eventually we hope to be selling online, but for the moment, if you live in the area of Glastonbury and you would like to purchase, please let us know and we will arrange for you to have what you need.

Take Action

We have a rapidly growing open membership, from children to the senior citizen. Members come from local areas and further afield. We work together in the gardens, as well as other necessary tasks for running a cooperative. Wherever you are in the world, it is possible to be involved.

Benefits of becoming a member

  • Improve mental health through interactions with nature and community members. 
  • Help all participants to acquire social and practical skills, including risk management and independence at a level appropriate for them
  • Improve mental health through interactions with nature and community members.
  • Supporting the facility of the organic production of healthy, whole foods for the consumption of all active participants.
  • Increase knowledge and respect for nature and improve awareness of conservation issues and principles of sustainability.
  • To enjoy your time to support the creation of a gardening community for the benefit of everyone including all the life forms in the gardens.
  • Receive 20% discount from drinks and food for yourself only when you volunteer 2 hours in the Garden or Peace Cafe per Week.
  • Free entry to any upcomming Gardens Events.

Become A Garden Member 

Healing Gardens Cooperative is here to nourish and inspire you in a number of ways. You may be viewing this from anywhere on the planet, being far away and yet everything that any of us does, influences the environment of another. We offer you the possibility of being involved in a number of ways according to your physical proximity, your personal circumstances and level of skill.

With your help, healing Gardens can be enjoyed by all of us.

Follow our journey on social media:
