What participants say

Inside the Tribe program

is a curated journey made for and with you to...

Experience healing through creative embodied approach,

Co-create a safe space and mindfully support each other,

Learn by doing, create healthy habits, change mindset!


Creative mind-body shifts to cultivate positive habits and come home to yourself

Ready to drop non-serving habits? And to create changes in your life without the overwhelm?

You get practical tools and our committed support to develop your self-care and healthier lifestyle. Think of creating mental and emotional spaciousness by mindfully slowing down, releasing stress, embracing your authentic self, and connecting with other human beings from that calm space of acceptance. You've got yourself. And you've got us as your personal cheerleaders.


Deeper inner work to heal from trauma and move beyond surviving towards thriving

How would you like to continue your healing process? .. and to process the 'backlog' of your emotions? So that you can release them gently and continue with more lightness.

You have access to modalities of creative body-mind therapy and a safe container to heal emotional wounds and nurture your inner child. This involves looking deeply into your past relationships and how they impact your present interactions. So you learn to identify, overcome, and transform beliefs that may have contributed to your survival mode. You've got us as mirrors and friends with whom to celebrate each step of the way.


Self-compassion in developing healthy giving & receiving in interpersonal relationships

To master your skills and tools, you need to practice, practice, practice. Who are the safe people you can practice them with? And who give you honest feedback so you can grow?

To support you in developing your art of giving and receiving, is the main reason that this program exists. You have commitment from your peers, who like you, also practice kindness and compassion. We all get ample opportunities to apply mindful practices such as deep listening and loving speech, watering flowers and shining light, sitting with our feelings, arriving in the here and now, just to name a few.

Hello. I'm Irene Anggreeni and I personally cannot wait to start this journey with you.

Finding my Tribe has transformed my life...

As a depression survivor, I have first-hand experience what it feels like to want to create a meaningful existence while navigating the mental and emotional challenges that ebb and flow. Yes, even today, as I help others overcome their challenges and transform their lives.

I am an ex-engineer turned Dance Movement Psychotherapist and Mental Wellness Coach. Having found my tribe has been my lifesaver in this unique journey. And it's a privilege that I'd love to share with you.

This healing tribe is my life’s work – having overcome depression and trauma, as a highly-sensitive, introverted person finding her way and making a home in a foreign land. I've poured my lived experience, cross-disciplinary expertise, and love into this unique program to guide you towards living more fully. And yes, towards making the positive impact you're always meant to make.

How would you experience life with a supportive tribe in it? What kind of courageous steps would you take to inspire others with your magic?

“Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Still thinking about it?

How about booking a no-pressure clarity call with Irene so she can address any questions and concerns you may have. You're also welcome to join Irene's masterclasses to have a bitesize experience of working with her.
