If you are interested in bringing your creativity to the next level, Hop off the Page is for you. Get weekly ideas and inspiration for finding wholeness through creativity.
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Hi! My name is Nadine Milton, Mixed Media Artist and Visual Storyteller. I founded Hop-A-Long Studio as a way of sharing my creative passion with those around me who embrace the creative process. I'd love for you to join me on this journey!
Hop-A-Long Studio is meant to be a safe space, a place of encouragement and a way to help you discover self-care through artistic expression. I love to learn, and find so much excitement through art.
My desire is to help you find creative inspiration and I hope you find that through my emails. I will not spam you or abuse your inbox, and take the security of your information seriously. Should you decide you no longer want these emails, you always have the option to unsubscribe.