It's painful... right?

So are you ready to Stop Thinking About Your Ex and Break The Habit?


thoughts of Your Ex

Going round and round in your head. You desperately want to sleep but just can't stop thinking about your Ex, finances, homes and children...

How would you like to feel free of thoughts of your Ex (and their new partner)? To enjoy living and building you up with positive, confident and loving thoughts? Focusing on what is amazing in your life, start to move on and release yourself from your Ex (and their new partner)?

If so, I can help...

I explain the process I use with my clients, guide you through it and give you a plan of action that includes:

8 videos on Why How to Stop Thinking About my Ex & Break the Habit

Workbook inc Action Plan & Accountability

One of my powerful Calm, Clarity & Confidence meditations to ‘super-boost’ you with self-love through this time.*

Access to the private FB Divorce  Goddess Group Time to Thrive

* Quick One On Breathing/Meditation

If you’ve never done this meditation thing, take it from me and millions of others, this is your time.

There are lots of tips plus an extra Bonus worksheet to support you to nail this life-changing practice!

To Recap... What You Get for £47

  • 8 videos full of insightful instructions and simple practices to support you to do this, I believe you can.
  • Workbook including Action Plans, Intention & Accountability sheets
  • One of my powerful Calm, Clarity & Confidence meditations to ‘super-boost’ you with self-love through this time.
  • Lots of tips plus extra Bonus worksheets to support you
  • Access to the private FB Divorce Goddess Group Time to Thrive
  • You feeling Calm, having lots more Clarity and growing your Confidence
  • An opportunity to shine your lovely light again!

So why did I create all this?

I don't want you to feel as many of my clients have and I want to support you to:

**     move on so you can focus on YOUR future
**     LET GO of nagging thoughts that stick painfully in your heart
**     THRIVE rather than survive
**     feel less stuck in those painful emotions

So if you are exhausted, stressed and miserable thinking about your Ex. 

Know that you completely have the choice to NOT think about your Ex. I created this process I am going to share with you that was the game-changer for me and is for my clients. 

One day you wake up and it is like this heavy layer of grief, anger and pain has started to lift. 

You will be able to feel freer than you have had probably for a long time

You will be able to understand that you don't have to waste your energy on your Ex

You will learn that you have the power to do this self-care and self-development stuff after all. 

I now share the knowledge and tools for you to stop thinking about your Ex (and their new partner) so you can start to let go of all sorts of thoughts that make you feel small, angry and moany (hated being moany). 

This process will help you remember who you are, what you are worth and so you can focus NOT on them but on YOU. 

It is time for you to truly shine your lovely light and you again.

Life isn't getting any easier. We live in unusual, uncertain times and I want you to let go of what makes you miserable, sad and not worthy. Your world needs you strong, your kids need you strong and you need YOU strong.

Tosh Brittan

Tosh founded Divorce Goddess in 2014 at her kitchen table. It began as a blog and has grown into a podcast, a divorce support community and transformational divorce coaching. She is passionate about helping women and men feel calmer, clearer and confident through and beyond their divorce to life a wonderfully abundant life full of love, happiness and success.
