This course is ideal for:

Those who want to find balance and flow by having a practical framework that facilitates their day-to-day management.

- Those who want to win over their mental and emotional storms.

These storms come in different forms like recurring frustration and feeling overwhelmed or prolonged procrastination which leads to self anger and low productivity. As our storms take over, we get caught up in a vicious negative cycle and feel drained, exhausted and totally out of balance

So it is Time for Inner Mastery to create and maintain mental space.

You will learn:

  • How to go from procrastination to productivity
  • How to increase clarity and reduce overwhelm
  • How to calm mental activity and increase your energy levels
  • How to let go of perfectionism and be happy with what is

With simple and selective skills, you will have more mental space. We can then shift our modus operandi to redirect our attention and energy the way we want.

Time investment ? 1 to 2 hours a week

    After 4 weeks, you will:

    + Be more productive and get more clarity on WHAT is important to you

    ++ Experience how to CALM the monkey mind and increase your energy level

    +++ Transform your daily habits to access a life of EASE and JOY

    ++ Redirect your attention and energy WHERE you want

    + Cultivate a POSITIVE outlook and life supporting habits

    ** Create and maintain more mental space **

    Word on me

    My name is Nina Noorali and I'm a trainer, coach, healer, speaker & changemaker for the past 20 years.

    My motto is to live life without regret and this has led me into a deep and long spiritual journey to understand what prevents us from knowing & using our potential while breaking the barriers of fear. I've experienced major imbalance in life and also suffered the consequences, only to pick myself up and overcome my own limitations, fears and misconceptions. Inner Mastery is what it boils down to!

    My journey has led me to get deeper insights into the realms of the mind, how to stabilise our emotions and get clarity so whatever decision I make, I would be tapping into my best version of myself. 
