Jedi Mind Trick

Monday 12th December at 8pm (BST)

Who's it for?


Live on Zoom



Capacity 30 people max.


Are you laser focused in your personal and professional goals?

Or perhaps you keep yourself busy doing other things and you avoid what really needs to get done.  I call this "procrasti-working" and it's one of many things that people just like you find themselves doing instead. 

"Frustrating" doesn't come close to describing how it feels to know that your goals are right there waiting to be reached, but something is stopping you from reaching them.

It's very common to find it difficult to maintain your focus and that's why I've created this new technique to get you back on track. 

What's Different About It?

Without giving too much away, it's a combination of a number of proven techniques that I use in my day to day practice as a Hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach.  Together we'll set your intentions, understand why these goals are important to you and then the Jedi Mind Trick will work its magic.

I use the Jedi Mind Trick with my one to one business coaching clients. Over the years it has been refined gradually for faster results, and also adapted for online coaching during lockdown.  This time I've amended it so that it can be taught to a group of students on a live zoom call. 

The printable workbook and audio hypnosis track are available so that you can repeat your goal setting over and over again, every month or every quarter - whenever you need to.

My one to one clients pay an appropriate price for my business coaching services, and they all feel they're receiving great value, especially when their business takes off as a result.  However, I wanted to share the Jedi Mind Trick to a wider audience which means you get it at a fraction of the price. 

Many of us struggle to know what our goals should be, and others have goals but need focus and direction to achieve them. Whatever your goal setting woes are - this is the only goal setting workshop you'll ever need.

What's the feedback like?

Written testimonials are great, but hearing it from those who have travelled the road ahead is better... this was taken from the end of our last session...

What if it doesn't work for me?

I'm so confident that this will work for you that I'm happy to provide a 100% Money Back Guarantee to anyone who attends the zoom call, takes action as a result and feels that the Jedi Mind Trick didn't work for them. 

What's Included?

Price £37



90 mins

Participants will be taught a Jedi Mind Trick which allows you to communicate with your unconscious mind to set your goals, overcome obstacles and get out of your own way

Included is a printable workbook for your notes and an audio track to take you through the Jedi Mind Trick again and again, whenever you want to repeat the exercise.

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Paul Wilson Hypnotherapy & Coaching

90 Minute Goal Setting Workshop (live on Zoom), PDF Workbook & Goal Setting Audio File included. Free entry to future Jedi Mind Trick Goal Setting Workshops.

37.00 GBP

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Have a great day!
