I am a multi-passionate word witch who brings the power of depth and disruption to narratives -- both fiction and personal.
I divide my time between words (my mornings) and clients (my afternoons). Between a winter half year (slow, inward facing) and a summer half year (faster, outward facing.
My four pillars are fiction, poetry, tarot and life coaching. On any given day, on any given project, with any given client, I am a unique blend of all four.
Add intuitive downloads/drops to the mix and you're in for an unexpected unfurling, whether you are neck-deep in my writing or a client session.
There are four ways you can work with me over Summer (December 2023 - March 2024).
Book a Narrator Session (45 mins) to disrupt an old story and prepare the ground for a new story in 2024.
Book a Thresholds/Year Opener Tarot Reading (90mins) to celebrate, shed and prepare (both practically and energetically) for the year ahead.
Download the Poetry of You 2024 Cartomancy Journal for prospective and reflective journaling (and more)
Download The Tides 2022/24 Slow Spread and participate in the Between Years conversational groups.
2024 is the year of seeing my old work come alive in a new era.
Join my Constellation for news, reveals and early review copies of ELYORA, THE STARLING REQUIEM and my brand-new short story collection THIS ONCE PRECIOUS LIFE. All out in January 2024.
In February, Christina Hira and I will co-host Tiny Daily Miracles, the 12th annual Post-It Note Poetry challenge on Instagram. Follow #PINP24
Subscribe for first contact with my world of fiction, tarot, coaching and poetry.