Want to Support your Nonspeaker in Learning to Communicate? 

Regulation is Key!

Join two homeschool moms of Nonspeakers for a free support call. 

Saturday October 26th

10:30 am Eastern/7:30 am Pacific

Increased Regulation = More Effective Communication !

Dysregulation is an inability to control or regulate one's emotional responses. This leads to an increase in impulsive behaviors, which are already a challenge for our nonspeakers. 

Increasing regulation means more motor control. More motor control means more effective communication.

It is equally important to adopt the mindset that dysregulation is part of life - whether we are neurotypical or autistic. Learning how to handle it is more important than focusing on eliminating it!

    Get Support and Grow

    When you are supported you are better equipped to support your child. Here's what you can expect on the call:

    • April Boden (homeschool mom, S2C practitioner and mom of Aydan - cast member of Spellers the Movie), will lead a discussion with our NHS members about regulation.
    • Members will have a chance to share their challenges and wins with dysregulation/regulation.
    • Newcomers get a "backstage pass" to our community to see what our calls are like and what we are building together. You are essentially "a fly on the wall" at these free calls.

      We Know You Will Love this Call!

      Here's how you can stick around for more:

      We have a community supporting parents of Nonspeakers on their homeschool journey. 

      At the end of the call you will have the opportunity to ask Susan and April any questions you have about this opportunity.  

      Doors to NHS will open for a short time after the call!

      Please Note: This will be the last time to join at $15/month. Monthly membership will increase in 2025.

        Read on for more information about our Nonspeakers Homeschool Support community. 

          You can't get the idea of Homeschooling 

          out of your head... 

          But you don't know where to start. 

          You're not alone. 

          Homeschooling your nonspeaking* child can feel scary. You know that the other educational options aren't great, but might feel unqualified or think that you don't have the time and resources to give your child what they really deserve. 

          But homeschooling doesn't have to be scary and hard. 

          It can be joyful, freeing... and easier than you ever imagined!

          How do we know? 

          Because we've experienced it ourselves!

          *We use "nonspeaking" on this page to refer to all nonspeakers, unreliably speaking and minimally speaking individuals. 

          Learning about Spelling and Presuming Competence has Changed Everything for your Family

          But the schools have not changed.

           You know most teachers and therapists mean well and may even love your child... And yet. They are not giving your child what they need. You have so much hope for the future but your heart is still breaking for your child on a daily basis. You are stuck and frustrated. It seems that drastic action is necessary, but that is terrifying and you feel frozen. But you also know that you can't wait for a system to change that takes years or decades to catch up with reality. 

          But how will you fill your days? 

          Creating school at home sounds completely overwhelming, if not impossible!

          We have amazing news for you. You do not need to create school at home! In fact - why would you want to do that? School is exactly what what is failing your child! In NHS you will learn how to incorporate homeschooling into the life you are already living and meet your kid where they are. Instead of being constantly underestimated and compared to other kids, your child will feel valued, loved and make progress that they could never make in the school setting!

          Nonspeakers Homeschool Support is a community that will help you get focused and prioritize what you need right now to take the next step on your homeschool journey. 

          Who are "We"?

          Hello! I'm Susan May, long time homeschool mom to my 3 children (17 yo, 14 yo and 8 yo). All 3 were homeschooled their whole lives. Besides homeschooling my teaching experience includes: High school science, Hypnobabies birth classes, and online English to students in China.

          But none of those are what make me "qualified" to homeschool. I believe all parents are qualified to homeschool their children if they are willing to put the time and effort in. Most of that time and energy goes into unlearning "Truths" we internalized that are actually NOT true. The most important qualities a homeschool parent can have are being loving, patient, generous and a desire to create a rich life together with their children. Don't feel like you naturally have those qualities? Great news! They can be learned and cultivated.

          I began Spelling with my son Carter in the Spring of 2023 when he was 7 years old. I love encouraging others and am excited for more Spellers to experience the joys of homeschooling.

          I also have business experience organizing online communities and coaching, and am looking forward to utilizing those skills to help more families of nonspeakers thrive. NHS is a project I have been dreaming of for months, if not years, and am so excited to see it being realized now. 

          Now let me introduce my amazing partner in this venture:

          What is included in Nonspeakers Homeschool Support?

          • Monthly Zoom Calls including 1 "Bring a Friend" call per quarter, so you can help other families get started on their homeschooling journey
            • Private Facebook Group
            • Recording Library of Past NHS calls
            • Quarterly Guest Speakers** 
            • Zoom calls for our Spellers
            • Member only discounts on Coaching, Courses and other future offers 
              • Member only discounts on all of April's services and products
              • Starting in August, 50% off Susan's Coaching packages
            • Loads of Love, Inspiration, Support and Encouragement!

            **Upcoming Guest Speakers:

            December 2024: Bretigne Shaffer 

            March 2025: Dana Johnson

            June 2025: Dawnmarie Gaivin

            Stay Tuned for More Details!

            Still not sure? Let us tell you more!

             Nonspeakers Homeschool Support is a place where you will find the following:

            (Just remember AEIOU!)

            • ACCOUNTABILTY - Stay on target with your goals, and when you inevitably get "off" track our community will help you get back on! Or maybe they'll help you see things in a new way so you define a new goal. Find a partner or group with similar needs to connect with deeply and enhance your dedication. 
            • ENCOURAGEMENT - who doesn't need need more encouragement in their lives? Even the most positive of us have dark thoughts sometimes. Autism is a hard road  is akin to a lifelong marathon. Cheerleaders are a must on this journey!
            • INSPIRATION - There is nothing like the stories of other autism families and spellers. It's often what keeps us going. Coming together to share our stories is such a powerful experience for all - those sharing and those receiving. This is a safe and private place to share stories and inspire each other.
            • OWNERSHIP - This space is for YOU. You will co-create the structure and experience with Susan, April and the other members. This means that it will evolve to meet your specific needs. Not only that, but YOU will be exactly what someone else needs. 
            • UNDERSTANDING - There are some things that only families with our unique experience "get". Enough said.


            NHS is NOT:

            • "Experts" telling you the "one right way" to homeschool
            • Coaching specifically in RPM, S2C or SPELLERS method**
            • A place to find specific curriculum or lessons

            **While April is a certified S2C practitioner, she serves in NHS as a homeschooling mom. For extensive spelling support, please find a local practitioner, or check out April's other services.

              NHS IS:

              • A place to learn about sustainable homeschool practices and mindsets
              • Encouragement, ideas, and perspectives from NHS admins and members to stay on track with your unique Spelling/communication goals
              • A community to pool resources and share our stories, challenges and triumphs. In the process our whole becomes greater than the sum of our individual parts.

              It's like the difference between us giving you one fish to feed you for a single meal versus teaching you to fish so you can eat for the rest of your life!


              Does my loved one need to be nonspeaking and autistic for me to join NHS?

              NHS is geared to helping families with a nonspeaking, unreliably speaking or minimally speaking member. There are unique challenges to homeschooling and life in our families. However, we know that there are many others who struggle with apraxia and speech challenges who are not autistic, such as individuals with Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy or other disabilities. We welcome anyone who feels NHS is a good fit for their family. 

              Do you need to be homeschooling to join NHS?

              No! We welcome families who are currently homeschooling, researching it as an option or who choose to use other education options (public, private, tutoring etc.) but still feel NHS could benefit them in creating a thriving home environment for their family.

              Does my Speller need to be open or fluent on the letterboard for me to join?

              Absolutely not! In fact, Susan's son is currently working on the 3 boards and answering only "known" questions. We welcome families whose loved ones' skills on the board range from beginner to open/fluent. It is up to each family to decide whether NHS is a good fit and supports their family's needs and goals. 

              Are you targeting a specific age range for NHS?

              We’re open to a wide range of ages considering that we’ll be targeting things that are helpful for all ages - spelling, motor skills and control, community integration and including our loved ones in all aspects of family/community life. My nonspeaking son is 8 but my 2 older kids are almost 18 and 15. April's son Aydan is 19 and also has 2 other kids, ages 20 and 9. 

              How is this different from a free Facebook group?

              Free Facebook groups are great and serve a purpose, but they can only go so far. In a paid membership community your unique needs are the focus and you will receive a high level of ongoing support. There is also the additional benefit of your level of commitment. When you invest time and money into something, you are more likely to follow through on your intentions, build new healthy habits, and apply what you are learning. 

              Are there scholarship opportunities to help with the cost of NHS? 

              We are committed to keeping this amazing community and resource accessible. For families whose financial circumstances make joining difficult or impossible, we do offer assistance. Please email Susan at riseup@togetherwalking.com to schedule a call to talk about scholarship opportunities. 

              Questions? Email Susan at:


              Homeschooling your nonspeaker starts with a courageous leap and becomes a marathon (with some sprints thrown in!)

              Cultivating the mindset, habits and home routines that support not just your child, but you and your whole family takes time, perseverance and faith. Sometimes during the marathon we get bogged down and disheartened.

              That's why doing all these things in community - with others on the same journey - will get you through the hard times when you doubt or think you can't go on.

              Now is the time for your family to thrive.


              00 Days
              00 Hours
              00 Mins
              00 Secs

              until doors close! 

              If you're ready, what are you waiting for??

              Join now! We'll see you on the inside. :-)
