Romans Bible Study

Learning the good news of grace, truth, and redemption through an in-depth study in Romans.

What You Will Learn Through This Study

For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.

Who needs the Gospel? Why does anyone need the Gospel? What is the Gospel? Who needs it? What is the nature of salvation? How is it achieved? What difference does salvation make in an individual's life? What difference does it make regarding society as a whole?

A ton of questions to answer, and the book of Romans will answer all of them and more. Praise God He has not left us with no answers.

Romans is a Gospel, and Theological masterpiece. When you take the time to read the words in Romans and answer the questions provided in the workbook, you will soon learn why.

Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel and was always ready to give an account of the hope he had and refute those who contradicted it.

It is my prayer that you walk away from this study more knowledgeable of the Gospel and its power for salvation.

How This Study Will Work

  • Start Date Monday, February 3rd: End Date: Friday, May 8th. A total of 14 weeks
  • This study will contain 36 lessons which will walk you through each chapter and each verse of the book of Romans. .
  • On Friday, January 31st, for those who have signed up either through email or joined my private Facebook group (see instructions below) I will send an email or post with your first lesson.
  • After the first email or post on Friday, January 31st you will receive emails or posts each Friday for the following 13 weeks of study. The Friday emaill will contain the lesson for the following week of study.  The last email arriving on Friday, May 8th with lesson 36.
  • When you sign up through email you will receive 5 emails a week for the duration of this study. Each email will contain a suggested reading plan and what questions to answer for the day. 
  • Note: If you answer the questions suggested on each day you will finish this study in 14 weeks. You are not required to follow this study guide to participate in the study. However, I would encourage you to do so. Not to check a box and say I completed a study but to feed on the word of God daily.
  • If you get behind, we all know life happens, just pick up where you left off. No condemnation here.
  • When you sign up through email for this study, you will also receive all of Conforming to the Truth's future emails. I do not flood your inbox with massive amounts of emails. But I will send you information on future Bible Studies and an occasional Blog post. After this study, if you decide not to stay on my list, simply unsubscribe when you receive your last lesson in this study.
  • For those who purchase the workbook, (See Information Below,) how this works will apply to you as well. 


You Can Receive This Study Free: Or You Have the Option to Purchase

You can participate in this study, and receive all of the lessons at no cost to you. All you have to do is subscribe to the study and wait for each lesson to land in your inbox every Friday for the duration of the study. (See info above about how this will work.)


You can purchase the completed workbook at a cost of $12.00. Please Note: The workbook has gone through a quick editing process but not a complete editing nor foramatting process. Once this workbook goes to my editor the purchase price will increase. 

Your choice. Opt in for a weekly lesson at no cost or purchase at a small cost.

36 Lessons in 10 Weeks?

Some of you may have noticed that we will be working through the book of Romans in 14 weeks, with a total of 36 lessons!

It sounds like a lot of work. Well, it will be, but not as much as you might think.

I wrote this study years ago. It was one of the first Bible Studies I ever wrote. At the time, I was holding a lady's Bible Study class in my home, and the lessons were written to accommodate that class. After looking at the study, I decided that 36 weeks for an online course was too long. I also decided that I did not want to change how the workbook was formatted. So, we will do two to three lessons a week to finish in 14 weeks. This will make more sense to you when you purchase the book or receive the weekly lessons.

Join Our Private Facebook Group

I wanted to let you know about the private Facebook group I have set up for my studies! If you are a member of the group you will be kept up to date on all new Bible Studies and happenings with Conforming to the Truth. You will be studying the Bible with a great group of women who encourage each other along the way. Follow the link below to ask to join the group. If you are a member of the group and stay active you will always get my studies free. After we have studied the book in our Facebook group I will make the study into a workbook and put it up for sale in my online shop!

Join Here: Let’s Study Truth Together

Subscribe to Study Romans
