12 tips to kickstart your metabolism

In this e-book I share with you my knowledge & experience with what works for women to reach your healthy weight & to feel great again in midlife & beyond!
Balancing hormones to reset the metabolism for fat burning is key to success!


My name is Jeannette

I am a qualified Women's Wellness Naturopath, Certified
Metabolic Balance Wellness & Weight Loss Coach, Certified
Thyroid Recovery Practitioner & Certified Positive
Mindset Coach & Eating Psychology Coach. I provide support & empower women
in mid life & beyond to better health, more energy, to
reach & maintain their healthy weight & most importantly to FEEL GREAT

My personal health struggles, including weight gain, drew me to natural medicine which helped me greatly improve mine and my family's health, eventually leading me to study Naturopathy.

My clients usually list weight loss as one of their top 3 health goals and I searched for the best Practitioner only Weight Loss program, with scientific backing of 25 yrs, to train in and do myself and now offer to my clients. This knowledge together coupled with my training has allowed me to create this e-book for you. 

Feel like the woman you know you are, again!

Grab your e-book now!
