In this 4 week course, you will learn how to break free from the lies that make you feel like you've failed in your relationship with God, that keep you bound in guilt and shame, that keep you from moving forward purposefully in your destiny.
As you move through this course, you will discover the lies that you have been believing, you will learn what you need to do to rewire your brain and overcome those lies.
You will learn how to walk in freedom and enjoy your unique identity - who the Lord says you are.
"Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God's will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in His eyes." Romans 12:2 TPT
GET ACCESS to the "Kingdom Foundations 1" DIGITAL course for only $47 for a limited time by clicking on the blue button below!
Dr. Darlene hosted a special session in addition to the regularly scheduled content of your course where she guides you through creating your personalized identity statement.
This is a powerful tool you will use again and again to embrace the truth about who God created you to be so you can shut the door once and for all on the lies that have kept you stuck.
Course Leaders
Leslie Busick
HiK Certified Ambassador
Founder, Affirmation Dream Tree
Darlene A Lobel MD
Neurosurgeon, Neuroscientist
Founder, Healing in the Kingdom
Week 1: Recognizing and Breaking Agreement with Lies
Value: $300
Week 2: Created in His image - characteristics of God in you
Value: $300
Craft Your Personal Identity Statement
Value: $500
Week 3: Sons, Daughters, Empowered Heirs - Freedom to be who He made us!
Value: $300
Week 4: Tools & Strategies to renew your mind
Value: $300
Your price: ONLY $47
This is a SPECIAL Price for the DIGITAL ONLY course!