Here's what people said about previous courses........
A FREE Webinar for small businesses on Thursday 10th March at 8pm
This FREE Webinar will cover:
💡 Information and advice whether you have a website already, or don't have one yet.
💡 If you DON'T already have a Website, what your options are for getting one, and the benefits of having one.
💡 If you DO have a website, things you should think about including on it and why.
💡 Choosing the right photos for your website (this is an important bit to me, being a photographer!
💡 How to get your website 'out there' so people actually visit it
💡 How you can use your website to bring more money into your business
💡 Recommendations for where to get further help if you need it (including some great businesses I recommend)
Want to sign up?
Yes? Use the form below to sign up and receive an email with a link to the Webinar, and reminders for it.
You'll be sent an email asking you to confirm sign up, and you'll be sent a link to join the Webinar plus reminders.
Please add to your email address book to make sure you receive the link to the Webinar when it is released.
Me. Fran Minifie. Personal Brand Photographer and helper of Small Businesses. Here's a bit of an intro.
"Hi Everyone!
My name is Fran Minifie and I'm a Personal Brand Photographer, Product Photographer and Marketing Helper to small businesses.
Before I became a photographer, I worked in Marketing for many years (for Agencies and what we used to call 'client side').
I've worked on launching Brands, Events, Websites, Products and all sorts for lots of large and small companies, including Orange (now EE), Vodafone, Playboy, Bauer Media, Betfair, Coca Cola and some others that you won't have heard of because they were B2B and unless you worked in IP Law, or the world of Mobile Content, you won't know what I'm on about.
I went on to start up my own Fancy Dress Company in Bristol which had a high street shop, ecommerce website, eBay shop and Amazon shop.I was even invited to 10 Downing Street for a reception with the Prime Minister (David Cameron back then) and Dragon James Caan, celebrating successful young entrepreneurs (it's still my linkedIn profile pic, I'll be dining off that one for years yet!)
Since having children, I've moved back to Torbay to be closer to our family and bring up our children by the sea in our home town (both my husband and I grew up here).
I now work with businesses, using my knowledge and experience to help with their marketing and finally making use of my college and university education in Photography to produce images that sell their products and services (plus a few family portraits on the side).
I'm passionate about helping small businesses succeed. I've always enjoyed developing business, products and brands, and this way, I get to do it over and over again, with a new challenge every time"
Got a question about the course, or about anything else? Please do get in touch using the form below or via social media.
Thank you for getting in touch!
One of our colleagues will get back to you shortly.
Have a great day!