Do you thrive on being given what you need to be able to work away on something on your own?

Do you love learning what will help you and getting stuck into applying it?

Would you love to spend some time each day, focused on you, and what you can do, to improve how you feel and get rid of symptoms?

Or maybe… Everything I say about how you can recover your health sounds good and you’d love to give it a try but - for whatever reason - you’re not quite ready to jump into 1-1 coaching or my membership.

Either way - this course is for you.

You’ve had enough of:

  • Struggling through your days and being held back by anxiety and/or chronic pain

  • Not having enough energy to do what you want to do

  • Feeling like you can’t make or stick to plans because symptoms so often ruin them

What if you were given the knowledge you need and practical things to do to change this?

And the guidance you need to help you apply it all in your everyday life?

And what if this was all wrapped up neatly in an online course, that you have lifetime access to, and can do at your own pace?

This is for you if you want to learn:

  • How to deal with issues in a way that allows your emotions to flow instead of getting stuck and building up

  • How to tune into and trust your emotional guidance so you can make decisions that are right for you

  • How to take control over your physical health

So you can:

  • Reduce your pain, feelings of anxiety and other symptoms

  • Feel more confident in being able to make plans

  • Have the energy and ability to live the life you want to live, the way you want to live it!

If all of this sounds good, get your name on the waitlist now - you literally have nothing to lose by doing so, and potentially everything to gain.

I am channelling all my knowledge and experience into this self-led course for those who prefer to work this way or to give my approach a hands on try before working with me 1-1 or in my membership. 

What just a few of my clients have said about my approach/working with me:

I am very, very happy to be able to do the things that were taken from me again. And really, one of the biggest stepping stones to regaining my health has been starting up sessions with Susan.” Esmé Haigh

Susan, you’re a legend. I’m much reassured to have access to your wisdom.” MBAMC Member

My health began to improve dramatically and her method has helped changed my life.” Saul

When I came across this course the structured consistent approach appealed to me. The mind body connection made sense and I felt it was very much worth a try… I have gained so much, feeling better than I have in years and enjoying life again. I feel really positive about the future and the possibilities it now holds." Alison
