FREE Guide

Mindful Money Mastery

In this guide, you'll get a money and emotions tracker, so that you can start shifting your spending from unconscious to conscious. You'll also create clarity on what true wealth means to you and transform your money beliefs from scarcity thinking into an abundance mindset! 

Plus, it takes about 30-45 days to truly change a habit, so all of the above makes this the best way to get started on the path towards financial freedom!

You'll learn:

Where your money is going...

How much is coming in and out each month?

What you are feeling...

Which emotions come up each time you earn or spend? 

What negative beliefs you have toward money...

How can you transform these negative beliefs? 

Hi, I'm Katy!

I'm a certified trauma-informed financial wellness coach who helps creative freelancers and entrepreneurs make more, worry less and achieve true financial freedom, so that you can create the life of your dreams! Without making unrealistic sacrifices and "budgeting," I can help you stop the cycle of feast or famine, release generational trauma and truly know your worth!
