BUSINESS BUILDERS: A practical business foundational toolkit in the energetics, mindset and strategy for faith-led entrepreneurs to scale to $5K months  

Join now for your all-access toolkit to create more money than ever in your spirit-led business. Woohoo!🎉

Welcome to the spirit-led business foundations of what you need to know to grow your audience, your impact and of course your income. Yay! 🎉

Welcome to the exact toolkit I used to go from wobbly foundations in a business to a practical foundation that fully supports the right people and community coming in.

The exact tools I used to improve my beliefs with money and being in a spirit-led business.

The exact tools I use for my daily sales activities in a soul led way that attracts clients and community.

Money Codes is perfect if you're a DIYer Business Builder and desire to unfold your business your own way strategically and soulfully.

If you’re starting your spirit-led business from scratch you will see your way through much quicker with these exact tools.

It’s easy to get started, when you know what to measure and what to do to move in the direction of where you want your spirit-led business to be when someone shows you.

If you’re a bit more advanced in your spirit-led business, you will learn to anchor some solid systems into your business the soulful way. We’re talking sales systems, marketing, messaging and content.

Money Codes Course is for you if you're a Creative, Messenger, Spirit-Led Coach, Healer, Guide and or Mentor with an online presence.

Why mess around when you are seeing your 1:1 clients and running events, when instead you can use proven systems in your spirit-led business for simplicity.

  1. My Proven Simple System For Creating A Spirit-Led Business

  2. How To Attract Compatible Clients

  3. The Scoop On Intentional Tracking in Your Spirit Led Business that Leads to Multiple Sales

  4. Calling In What You Want - Clients, Money flow, Community

  5. Simple Shifts That Can Instantly Give You A New Belief System with Sales

  6. The Compounding Effect

  7. The Aligned Approach To Creating An Email Community

  8. How to Quickly Create Content The Easy Way

Borrow these Money Codes and Apply These Codes To Your Spirit-led Business Your Own Way Now!

Want to See How The Money Codes Principles Have Worked For Others?

🎉 A client overcame her fear of tracking her income and became intentional in tracking her income confidently.

🎉 A client used to feel her sales processes were clunky and then reframed her sales beliefs.  Boom! 2 existing clients returned seemingly out of nowhere.

🎉 A client went from feeling cloudy to feeling clarity with her money mindset and daily selling activities, going onto selling her paid services.

It's Time To Get Your Ducks in a Row - That's What I Realised!

Here's the thing

Instead of having to do 1000+ hours of training to discover this for yourself and hours of community online networking, you can borrow these money mindset codes and make them your own.

This isn’t someone who is randomly looking up templates, scripts, and intuitive practices on the internet. 

This is me sharing what has worked for me over the last 3 years going from ground zero up to client flow..

I get it. 

I was also in a business model for 18+months, where I was only selling 1:1 sessions, feeling depleted and not attending to growing an email community.

I felt overwhelmed because I didn't know what to track and how to keep track of the metrics. My business felt stagnant.  

Let's be real, I know where you are right now. I see you. I understand.

So I know what it is like going from everything you know and running your business from your notepad, then learning a new way, a completely different way that is soul led and practical. 

Plus, I also have had experiences of doing everything on a whim, without soulful systems in place.

You know what? I knew this approach wasn’t sustainable, so this is why I pivoted in my spirit-led business to build in soulful systems.

The results?! 🎉🎉🎉

☑️Audience growth in my email community over 10%

☑️Knowing exactly what sales activities to do each day in a soulful and intuitive way. Yay!

☑️Said goodbye to incompatible clients and

☑️Welcomed new aligned client flow began

☑️Testimonials coming through

☑️Manifested a new ideal spacious home

☑️Moved near to the surf coast beach near Torquay

☑️ Started a podcast, Voice of Soul

This course is a blend of my own transformations over 12+ months & this is why I have created this course for you.  This is exactly why Money Codes is different too!

What We're Doing

4 core in depth trainings to align you to the wealthiest version of yourself in your spiritual business.

👉Module 1: Building a Friendship With Money

  • Treat your relationship with money like a friendship

  • Rewrite your money beliefs

  • Gratitude Rituals with Money and Clients

👉Module 2: What To Do To Sort Your Money Mindset

  • Practical ways to improve your money mindset

  • Learn exactly how to eliminate freebie hunters

  • Align to a pricing structure that supports you and your business

👉Module 3 The Practical Money Mindset Module

  • Common misconceptions about money in the spiritual coaching industry

  • Understand what your soulful sales productivity activities are.

  • Become confident implementing your daily sales activities

  • Learn how to cultivate beautiful boundaries for you and your soul mate clients

  • Glow Up Content Tracker

  • Practical Templates, Checklists & Spreadsheets

👉Module 4 : Monetise Your Spiritual Gifts

  • Learn the Exact Content Practices That Invites Your Soulmate Clients

  • Create Content that is Soul Led and Outcome Focused For Your Audience.

  • The Benefits of A Content Plan

👉Bonus Journal Prompts and Money Mindset meditation

Money Codes started as a 4 module course now Money Codes has evolved with more depth from my own embodied learnings.

Over 8+ hours in video trainings to be of practical guidance for you with implementation the easy way.

👉Hosted in a Private Facebook Group with a budding community for you to share your wins, progress and milestones. Wahoo! 🎉

Here’s what practical tools you get inside Money Codes

☑️Daily Selling Checklist

☑️ Daily Soulful Productivity Checklist

☑️Time & Productivity Audit Tracker

☑️Forecasting Tracker

☑️Spiritual Business Invoice Ritual

☑️Creating an Epic Opt In

☑️The Easy Email Campaign Tracker

☑️Boundaries To Grow Checklist

☑️Glow Up Content Tracker

☑️33 Content Prompts To Get You Started

☑️How To Content Batch

☑️Steps To Repurpose Content


        • Simple Sales Beliefs That Convert

        • Manifestation Tracker

        • Income Tracker

        • Pricing Questions

        • Feedback and Fantastic Fan Testimonials Toolkit

        And so much more: scripts, templates and frameworks that I use, so there will be no guesswork involved and you can build a solid foundation straightaway.

        Over $7K worth of resources for only $597 USD 🎉🎉🎉

        Further Asked Questions - FAQs

        Q: Is Money Codes for newly created spirit-led businesses?

        Yes, you can use and apply these principles into your spirit-led business as from early on. In particular, helping you set up a solid framework to support you in growing your business.

        You will know what to do each day and what to track.

        Tools, like the Glow Up Tracker, content prompts, content repurposing, creating an opt in, the easy email campaign tracker will be beneficial for guiding with you with getting your message out into the world.

        Q: Is Money Codes for advanced spirit-led business owners?

        Many spirit-led business owners forget to have foundations in place when they are booked up seeing 1:1 clients all the time.

        Tools like feedback forms, testimonials, creating an opt in, invoicing, income tracking to name a few will be beneficial at any stage.

        Q: Is the Money Codes Course easy to follow?

        Yes, there are 4 core video modules.

        PLUS all your tools with instructional videos and including guided work books.  

        The what to do for improving your money mindset and having solid foundations in place .. Yay!

        BONUS you are in a private Facebook community - here to grow a community of aligned  people who love celebrating!🎉🎉🎉

        Q: How long do I have access for?

        You have access life long to Money Codes.

        Q: What is this new community in Money Codes about?

        This is a budding community group - a place and space online you can celebrate your wins, progress and milestones. All celebrations welcome!🎉

        Why? Because what we appreciate and celebrate grows! We’re here for that!🎉🎉🎉

        Q: Do you offer refunds?

        No I don't offer refunds. 

        Due to the immediate access to the course and that these principles work when you work them. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out beforehand and ask me.

        Who is Your Spiritual Mentor, Amanda Nicole!

        Hey I’m Amanda Nicole,

        ✨Coach, Podcaster and all about Soulful Systems ✨

        I’m all about helping you honour your spirit-led and energetic flow while bringing that to centre stage in your business to support you to shine.

        Together, we’ll uncover your own intuitive connection, clear up your throat chakra and create unshakeable soulful systems and strategies to grow your business to new heights.


        Money Codes is a brand new course.. so specific course testimonials are to come.  But here are some sister testimonials - from working with 1:1 clients using these principles.

        Sound like the place and space for you? 

        If you're read this far, then you are meant to be here to build your business foundations and be part of a new community.

        You're invited!

        See you on the inside!

        Much Love

        Amanda x
