How to attract more opportunities + possibilities into your life as a conscious entrepreneur to elevate your success!

...where you wake up feeling clear, inspired & fully satisfied with the life that you're creating. Knowing that you're bringing the best of you to your clients and creating in flow ALL the time! Imagine abundant opportunities and possibilities unfolding and falling into your lap on a regular basis; like it's the most natural thing in the world because you're the most empowered version of you

It's possible when you know how to open yourself up to the abundant opportunities the Universe has to offer. All it takes is a deeper understanding and integration of the power that is YOU!

Join me for a FREE workshop where I'll share how you can start creating this world right now

16 AUGUST 2022

(replay will be available)

What we'll cover in this workshop

Emotional Alignment

Learn how to leverage your emotions as a powerful manifesting tool through daily practices

Abundance Mindset

The way to train & align your mindset to calibrate your emotions and point of attraction for abundance

The Power Of Focus

The way to tap into power focus + intention setting techniques that will create manifesting momentum


Tanya is a Intuitive Success & Empowerment coach helping driven & creative soulpreneurs in the arenas of conscious coaching, mentoring & advising to activate sustainable abundance in business & life.

Using her extensive background in business & finance, she combines powerful business strategy with energetic alignment to unlock and elevate the extraordinary potential of you and your business.

Mom to 3 human and multiple fur kids, she lives in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa where she loves drinking tea, dancing and playing with horses in nature.

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